首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Evaluation of the ISBA-TRIP continental hydrologic system over the Niger basin using in situ and satellite derived datasets

Evaluation of the ISBA-TRIP continental hydrologic system over the Niger basin using in situ and satellite derived datasets




During the 1970s and 1980s, West Africa has faced extreme climatevariations with extended drought conditions. Of particularimportance is the Niger basin, since it traverses a large part of theSahel and is thus a critical source of water for an ever-increasinglocal population in this semi aridregion. However, the understanding of the hydrological processes overthis basin is currently limited by the lack of spatially distributedsurface water and discharge measurements. The purpose of this study is toevaluate the ability of the ISBA-TRIP continental hydrologic system torepresent key processes related to the hydrological cycle of the Nigerbasin. ISBA-TRIP is currently used within a coupled global climate model,so that the scheme must represent the first order processes which arecritical for representingthe water cycle while retaining a limited number of parameters and asimple representation of the physics. To this end, thescheme uses first-order approximations to accountexplicitly for the surface river routing, thefloodplain dynamics, and the water storage using a deep aquiferreservoir. In the current study, simulations are done at a 0.5 by0.5° spatial resolution over the 2002–2007 period (in order totake advantage of the recent satellite record and data from the AfricanMonsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses project, AMMA). Fourconfigurations of the model are compared to evaluate the separateimpacts of the flooding scheme and the aquifer on the water cycle. Moreover, the model is forced by two different rainfall datasets toconsider the sensitivity of the model to rainfall inputuncertainties. The model is evaluated usingin situ discharge measurements as well as satellite derived floodextent, total continental water storage changes and river heightchanges. The basic analysis of in situ discharges confirms theimpact of the inner delta area, known as a significant flooded area, on the discharge, characterizedby a strong reduction of the streamflow after the delta compared tothe streamflow before the delta. In the simulations, the floodingscheme leads to a non-negligible increase of evaporation over largeflooded areas, which decreases the Niger river flow by 15% to50% in the locations situated after the inner deltaas a function of the input rainfall dataset used as forcing.This improves the simulation of the river discharge downstream of thedelta, confirming the need for coupling the land surface scheme with the flood model. The deep aquifer reservoir improves Niger lowflows and the recession law during the dry season.The comparison with 3 satellite products from theGravity Recovery and Climated Experiment (GRACE)shows a non negligible contribution of the deeper soil layers tothe total storage (34% for groundwater and aquifer). Thesimulations also show a non negligible sensitivity of the simulations torain uncertainties especially concerning the discharge. Finally,sensitivity tests show that a good parameterization of routingis required to optimize simulation errors. Indeed, themodification of certain key parameters which can be observed fromspace (notably river height and flooded zones height changes andextent) has an impact on themodel dynamics, thus it is suggested that improving the model inputparameters using future developments in remote sensing technologiessuch as the joint CNES-NASA satellite project SWOT (Surface Water OceanTopography), which will provide water heights and extentat land surface with an unprecedented 50–100 m resolution and precision.
机译:在1970年代和1980年代,西非面临着极端的气候变化,干旱条件不断加剧。尼日尔盆地尤为重要,因为它横贯萨赫勒地区的大部分地区,因此是该半干旱地区不断增长的当地人口的重要水源。但是,由于缺乏空间分布的地表水和流量测量值,目前对该盆地水文过程的了解受到限制。这项研究的目的是评估ISBA-TRIP大陆水文系统代表与尼日尔贝辛水文循环有关的关键过程的能力。 ISBA-TRIP当前在一个耦合的全球气候模型中使用,因此该方案必须代表一阶过程,这对于代表水循环至关重要,同时保留有限数量的参数和简单的物理表示。为此,该方案使用一阶近似来明确说明地表河道,洪泛区动力学和使用深层含水层水库的蓄水量。在当前的研究中,模拟是在2002-2007年期间以0.5 x0.5°的空间分辨率进行的(以利用非洲季风多学科分析项目AMMA的最新卫星记录和数据)。比较了模型的四种配置,以评估注水方案和含水层对水循环的单独影响。此外,该模型由两个不同的降雨数据集强制考虑模型对降雨输入不确定性的敏感性。使用原位流量测量以及卫星得出的洪水范围,总大陆水储量变化和河流高度变化对模型进行评估。对原位流量的基本分析证实了内部三角洲地区(称为显着洪泛区)对排放的影响,其特征在于,与三角洲地区之前的流量相比,三角洲地区之后的流量大大减少。在模拟中,洪水方案导致大洪水地区的蒸发量增加不容忽视,这使位于内三角洲之后的位置的尼日尔河流量减少了15%至50%,这是用作强迫输入降雨数据集的函数。改进了三角洲下游河流排放的模拟,从而确认了需要将地表方案与洪水模型相结合。深层蓄水层改善了干旱季节的尼日尔低流量和衰退规律。与重力恢复和气候实验(GRACE)的3颗卫星产品的比较表明,深层土壤对总蓄积的贡献不可忽略(地下水和地下水的总蓄积占34%)。含水层)。仿真还显示出仿真的敏感性不可忽略,特别是涉及放电方面的不确定性。最后,敏感性测试表明,必须对路由进行良好的参数化,以优化仿真误差。实际上,可以从太空观察到的某些关键参数的修改(特别是河流高度和洪水区域的高度变化以及程度)对模型动力学有影响,因此建议使用遥感技术(如联合CNES)的未来发展来改进模型输入参数。 -美国国家航空航天局(NASA)卫星项目SWOT(地表水海洋地形),它将以前所未有的50–100 m分辨率和精度提供水高和陆地范围。



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