首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Subsurface lateral flow from hillslope and its contribution to nitrate loading in streams through an agricultural catchment during subtropical rainstorm events

Subsurface lateral flow from hillslope and its contribution to nitrate loading in streams through an agricultural catchment during subtropical rainstorm events




Subsurface lateral flow from agricultural hillslopes is often overlookedcompared with overland flow and tile drain flow, partly due to thedifficulties in monitoring and quantifying. The objectives of this studywere to examine how subsurface lateral flow generated through soil pedonsfrom cropped hillslopes and to quantify its contribution to nitrate loadingin the streams through an agricultural catchment in the subtropical regionof China. Profiles of soil water potential along hillslopes and streamhydro-chemographs in a trenched stream below a cropped hillslope and at thecatchment outlet were simultaneously recorded during two rainstorm events.The dynamics of soil water potential showed positive matrix soil waterpotential over impermeable soil layer at 0.6 to 1.50 m depths during andafter the storms, indicating soil water saturation and drainage processesalong the hillslopes irrespective of land uses. The hydro-chemographs in thestreams, one trenched below a cropped hillslope and one at the catchmentoutlet, showed that the concentrations of particulate nitrogen andphosphorus corresponded well to stream flow during the storm, while thenitrate concentration increased on the recession limbs of the hydrographsafter the end of the storm. All the synchronous data revealed that nitratewas delivered from the cropped hillslope through subsurface lateral flow tothe streams during and after the end of the rainstorms. A chemical mixingmodel based on electricity conductivity (EC) and H+ concentration wassuccessfully established, particularly for the trenched stream. The resultsshowed that the subsurface lateral flow accounted for 29% to 45% oftotal stream flow in the trenched stream, responsible for 86% of totalNO3−-N loss (or 26% of total N loss), and for 5.7% to7.3% of total stream flow at the catchment outlet, responsible for about69% of total NO3−-N loss (or 28% of total N loss). Theresults suggest that subsurface lateral flow through hydraulicallystratified soil pedons have to be paid more attention for controllingnon-point source surface water pollution from intensive agriculturalcatchment particularly in the subtropical areas with great soilinfiltration.
机译:与农地流和瓷砖排水流相比,农业坡地的地下侧向流通常被忽略,部分原因是监测和量化上的困难。这项研究的目的是研究如何通过耕种的山坡土壤soil产生地下侧向流动,并量化其对中国亚热带农业集水区河流中硝酸盐负荷的贡献。在两次暴雨过程中,同时记录了山坡以下和沟渠汇水处沟渠内沿坡面和流式水化学仪的土壤水势剖面。土壤水势的动态显示,在0.6至1.50范围内,渗透性土壤层上的正矩阵土壤水势为正暴风雨前后的m深度,表明与坡地无关的土壤水分饱和度和排水过程。溪流中的水化学图谱显示,其中一条沟渠位于一个经修剪的山坡下,另一条位于集水口处,表明暴风雨期间颗粒状氮和磷的浓度与水流很好地对应,而硝酸盐浓度在水刺结束后的后肢增加。风暴。所有同步数据都表明,在暴雨结束时和暴雨结束后,硝态氮从耕作的山坡通过地下侧向流输送到溪流中。成功建立了基于电导率(EC)和H + 浓度的化学混合模型,特别是对于开挖流。结果表明,地下侧向流量占开挖流总流量的29%至45%,占NO 3 - -N损失总量的86%(或26占总氮损失的百分比),并且占流域出口总流量的5.7%至7.3%,约占总NO 3 - -N损失的69% (或占总氮损失的28%)。结果表明,通过水力分层土壤的地下侧向水流必须受到更多的关注,以控制集约化农业集水区的非点源地表水污染,特别是在土壤渗透大的亚热带地区。



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