首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Characterization of precipitation product errors across the United States using multiplicative triple collocation

Characterization of precipitation product errors across the United States using multiplicative triple collocation




Validation of precipitation estimates from various products is a challenging problem, since the true precipitation is unknown. However, with the increased availability of precipitation estimates from a wide range of instruments (satellite, ground-based radar, and gauge), it is now possible to apply the triple collocation (TC) technique to characterize the uncertainties in each of the products. Classical TC takes advantage of three collocated data products of the same variable and estimates the mean squared error of each, without requiring knowledge of the truth. In this study, triplets among NEXRAD-IV, TRMM 3B42RT, GPCP 1DD, and GPI products are used to quantify the associated spatial error characteristics across a central part of the continental US. Data are aggregated to biweekly accumulations from January 2002 through April 2014 across a 2° × 2° spatial grid. This is the first study of its kind to explore precipitation estimation errors using TC across the US. A multiplicative (logarithmic) error model is incorporated in the original TC formulation to relate the precipitation estimates to the unknown truth. For precipitation application, this is more realistic than the additive error model used in the original TC derivations, which is generally appropriate for existing applications such as in the case of wind vector components and soil moisture comparisons. This study provides error estimates of the precipitation products that can be incorporated into hydrological and meteorological models, especially those used in data assimilation. Physical interpretations of the error fields (related to topography, climate, etc.) are explored. The methodology presented in this study could be used to quantify the uncertainties associated with precipitation estimates from each of the constellations of GPM satellites. Such quantification is prerequisite to optimally merging these estimates.
机译:由于不知道真实的降水量,因此验证来自各种产品的降水量估算是一个具有挑战性的问题。但是,随着来自各种仪器(卫星,地面雷达和仪表)的降水估计的增加,现在有可能应用三重配置(TC)技术来表征每种产品的不确定性。经典TC利用相同变量的三个并置数据积,并在不需要真相的情况下估计每个变量的均方误差。在这项研究中,使用NEXRAD-IV,TRMM 3B42RT,GPCP 1DD和GPI产品中的三元组来量化美国大陆中部的相关空间误差特征。数据汇总为2002年1月至2014年4月跨2°×2°空间网格的双周累积量。这是美国首个使用TC探索降水估算误差的同类研究。原始TC公式中包含了一个乘法(对数)误差模型,以将降水估计与未知真相联系起来。对于降水应用,这比原始TC推导中使用的加性误差模型更为现实,后者通常适用于现有应用,例如在风矢量分量和土壤湿度比较的情况下。这项研究提供了降水产物的误差估计,可以将其纳入水文和气象模型,尤其是那些用于数据同化的模型。探索了误差场(与地形,气候等有关)的物理解释。这项研究中介绍的方法可用于量化与每个GPM卫星星座的降水估计有关的不确定性。这种量化是最佳合并这些估计的前提。



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