首页> 外文期刊>Human Microbiome Journal >Long-term stability in the gut microbiome over 46?years in the life of Billy Apple?

Long-term stability in the gut microbiome over 46?years in the life of Billy Apple?

机译:在比利·苹果公司(Billy Apple)的生命中46年以上的时间里,肠道微生物组具有长期稳定性。



There is currently a lack of long-term longitudinal studies investigating the stability of the microbiome. In this n-of-one study, we characterised the gut microbial composition of artist Billy Apple? from stool samples collected 45?years apart in 1970 and 2016. We observed that 45% of the microbial species were retained over the 45?year interval. Moreover, components of Apple’s microbiome associated with the allele frequency at seven SNPs in his genome. Collectively, our results are consistent with a genetic component contributing to the selection and maintenance of core members within the artist’s microbiome over his life-time.
机译:当前,缺乏长期的纵向研究来研究微生物组的稳定性。在这项非一项研究中,我们描述了艺术家比利·苹果(Billy Apple?)的肠道微生物组成。从1970年和2016年相隔45年收集的粪便样本中我们观察到,在45年间隔内保留了45%的微生物。此外,苹果微生物组的成分与他基因组中7个SNP处的等位基因频率相关。总的来说,我们的研究结果与遗传成分相一致,该遗传成分有助于艺术家一生中微生物组中核心成员的选择和维持。



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