首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Sedimentation monitoring including uncertainty analysis in complex floodplains: a case study in the Mekong Delta

Sedimentation monitoring including uncertainty analysis in complex floodplains: a case study in the Mekong Delta




Quantity and quality of sediment deposition in complex floodplains areaffected by many processes that are typically highly spatially and temporallyvariable and hard to quantify exactly. The main processes in this context aresuspended sediment transport dynamics in rivers, floodplain channelinteractions, and internal floodplain processes. In consequence, any pointmeasurement of sedimentation in floodplains contains a high degree ofuncertainty, both stemming from measurement errors and from the lack ofrepresentativeness for a larger area. However, up to now, uncertaintyanalyses have not been performed as part of publications on floodplainsedimentation data. Therefore the present work illustrates a field samplingstrategy aiming at the monitoring of floodplain deposition and spatialvariability on a large scale and at the quantification of uncertaintiesassociated to sediment deposition data. The study was performed in the MekongDelta, being an example for a large and complex floodplain with a high degreeof anthropogenic disturbances. We present a procedure for the quantificationof the uncertainty associated to the data, based on the design of themonitoring campaign, sampling procedures, and floodplain characteristics.Sediment traps were distributed strategically over the floodplain in clustersof three mat traps representing one monitoring point. The uncertaintyoriginating from collection of the traps from still ponding water isquantified by lab experiments. The overall uncertainty of the depositionsamples and the associated nutrient content is quantified in a Monte Carlosimulation and illustrated by uncertainty bounds. For the study area theresults show a very high variability of the annual floodplain deposition(2.2–60 kg m−2) with uncertainty bounds ranging from ?61 to+129% relative to overall mean deposition of 11.4 kg m?2. Nocorrelations in the spatial distribution of sedimentation in thefloodplains could be found. This is caused by the highly complexchannel and dike system and the high number of hydraulic structures. Also, nodifferences in deposition between floodplain compartments protected with highand low dikes could be detected. However, it can be shown that within singlefloodplain compartments the spatial deposition variability depends on thedike levels and operation and location of hydraulic structures.
机译:复杂洪泛区中沉积物的沉积数量和质量受许多过程的影响,这些过程通常在空间和时间上具有很大的可变性,并且难以精确量化。在这种情况下,主要过程是河流中的悬浮泥沙运移动力学,洪泛区通道相互作用和内部洪泛区过程。因此,任何漫滩平原上的沉积物点测量都具有高度的不确定性,这既是由于测量误差而来的,又是由于缺乏对大面积区域的代表性。但是,到目前为止,不确定性分析尚未作为泛洪沉降数据出版物的一部分进行。因此,本工作说明了一种现场采样策略,旨在大规模监测洪泛区沉积和空间变化,并量化与沉积物沉积数据相关的不确定性。这项研究是在湄公河三角洲进行的,它是一个大型且复杂的洪泛区,具有高度的人为干扰。我们基于监测活动的设计,采样程序和洪泛区特征,提出了一种量化与数据相关的不确定性的程序。沉积物陷阱在策略性地分布在洪泛区上,分布在代表一个监测点的三个垫层陷阱中。通过实验室实验对从仍然积水的收集器收集的不确定性进行了量化。在蒙特卡洛模拟中对沉积样品的总体不确定性和相关的营养成分进行了量化,并通过不确定性范围进行了说明。对于研究区域,结果显示年洪泛区沉积物的变化很大(2.2–60 kg m −2 ),相对于平均总沉积量11.4 kg,不确定性范围为?61到+ 129% m ?2 。洪泛区沉积物的空间分布没有相关性。这是由于高度复杂的渠道和堤防系统以及大量的水力结构造成的。而且,在高堤坝和低堤坝保护的洪泛区隔间之间的沉积差异也没有被检测到。但是,可以证明在单洪泛区隔室内,空间沉积的可变性取决于堤坝的水平以及水工建筑物的运行和位置。



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