首页> 外文期刊>HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies >The temptation of Realpolitik and vox populi in the ecclesiology of the Emerging Apostolic Churches with special reference to the fivefold ministry

The temptation of Realpolitik and vox populi in the ecclesiology of the Emerging Apostolic Churches with special reference to the fivefold ministry




The Emerging Apostolic Churches do not have a uniform church polity since the power of governance is claimed to be with the fivefold ministers, while at the same time embracing either the Episcopal, Presbyterial, or Congregational church governments. The fivefold ministry is a generally accepted term that refers to the five ministries given by Christ to the Church to stand in unique spiritual offices, as found in Ephesians 4:11. This article tries to answer the question: “Are the Emerging Apostolic Churches ecclesiologically correct by centring the authority of governance in the fivefold ministers and the popular voices of the followers?” At the same time it is endeavored to argue that due to Biblical and theological grounds the fivefold ministry is untenable to church polity hence Realpolitik and vox populi dominating the ecclesiastical life and polity of the Emerging Apostolic Churches. The aim is to demonstrate that these two concepts (Realpolitik and vox populi) play a significant part in shaping the church polity and structures of this ecclesiastical phenomenon.
机译:新兴的使徒教会没有统一的教会政体,因为据称治理权属于五重部长,而同时又拥护主教,长老会或公理会的政府。五重事工是一个普遍接受的术语,是指以弗所书4:11中所提到的基督给教会的五个事工,以站在独特的属灵办公室中。本文试图回答以下问题:“新兴的使徒教会通过将治理权集中在五位传道人和追随者的声音中,在教会学上是否正确?”同时,人们努力争辩说,由于圣经和神学的原因,五重事工对教会政体是站不住脚的,因此,Realpolitik和vox populi主导了新兴使徒教会的教会生活和政体。目的是证明这两个概念(Realpolitik和vox populi)在塑造教会政治和教会形式的结构方面起着重要作用。



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