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Jesus the village psychiatrist: A summary




This paper was a response to a panel discussion on the author's book, Jesus the village psychiatrist, published by Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville, KY, 2008 which formed part of the Society of Biblical Literature's Psychology and Biblical Studies Section, 21–24 November 2009, New Orleans, LA. The response consisted of an explanation of somatoform disorders, a summary of the book and the following case studies: the case of Fraulein Elisabeth, the case of paralytics, the case of blind persons, the demon-possessed boy, the case of the woman with a haemorrhage, the healings of lepers and the woman who cared for Jesus. The paper concluded with a discussion on words and their power to cure. It illustrated how symptomatology had changed from paralysis in the 19th century to chronic fatigue in the first half of the 20th century to stress today.
机译:本文是对作者的书《乡村精神病的耶稣》的小组讨论的回应,该书由威斯敏斯特·约翰·诺克斯出版社(肯塔基州路易斯维尔)于2008年出版,该书成为11月21日至24日圣经文学协会心理学和圣经研究部分的一部分。 2009年,路易斯安那州新奥尔良。答复包括对躯体形式障碍的解释,书的摘要以及以下案例研究:弗劳林·伊丽莎白(Fraulein Elisabeth)案例,麻痹症案例,盲人案例,妖魔般的男孩案例,出血,麻风病人的医治以及照顾耶稣的女人。本文最后讨论了单词及其治愈的能力。它说明了症状学是如何从19世纪的瘫痪转变为20世纪上半叶的慢性疲劳,再到今天的压力。



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