首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >The effects of riparian forestry on invertebrate drift and brown trout in upland streams of contrasting acidity

The effects of riparian forestry on invertebrate drift and brown trout in upland streams of contrasting acidity




Variations in macroinvertebrate drift and benthic invertebrate abundance were assessed in 30 upland Welsh streams of varying acidity (pH < 5.7 or pH.> 6.0) and riparian land-use (conifer, moorland or native broadleaf). The consequences for the diet and condition of wild brown trout Salmo trutta were also assessed. As expected from previous studies, there were significant reductions in benthic invertebrate abundance, aquatic drift density (by >60%), aquatic drift biomass (by >35%), total drift density (by >35%) and total drift biomass (by >20%) at acid sites by comparison with circumneutral sites due largely to the scarcity of mayflies. Absolute drift from terrestrial sources was unrelated to stream pH but formed a significantly greater proportion of total drift at acid sites (30-65% of density) than at circumneutral sites (20-40%) as aquatic contributions declined. Most of this apparent land use effect reflected significantly increased terrestrial drift under broadleaves. There was no significant reduction in terrestrial or aquatic drift at conifer forest sites per se after accounting for low pH. Trout diet varied substantially between locations partly reflecting variations in drift: significantly fewer mayflies and stoneflies were eaten at acid sites, and significantly more terrestrial prey were eaten under broadleaves. However, acidity did not reduce trout condition or gut-fullness. Unexpectedly, trout condition was significantly enhanced at conifer sites, irrespective of their pH. Hence, acidity has greater effects on the benthic abundance and drift density of invertebrates in upland streams than does riparian land use. However, trout forage flexibly enough to offset any possible food deficit, for example by switching to chironomids and terrestrial invertebrates. Enhanced terrestrial contributions to invertebrate drift from riparian broadleaf trees may be important in supplementing foraging opportunities for trout where aquatic prey are scarce. These data illustrate the value of native tree species in riparian locations in upland Britain and the energy subsidy they provide might well be disproportionately important for otherwise impoverished acid streams style="line-height: 20px;">Keywords: brown trout, land-use, acidification, drift, forestry, streams
机译:在30个酸度不同(pH <5.7或pH。> 6.0)和河岸土地利用(针叶树,高地或原生阔叶)的威尔士高地溪流中,对大型无脊椎动物漂移和底栖无脊椎动物的丰度进行了评估。还评估了野生褐鳟 Salmo trutta 对饮食和状况的影响。如以前的研究预期,底栖无脊椎动物的丰度,水生漂流密度(> 60%),水生漂流生物量(> 35%),总漂流密度(> 35%)和总漂流生物量(<与酸性环境位相比,酸性位点> 20%)主要是由于may的稀缺性。来自陆源的绝对漂移与河流的pH值无关,但随着水生生物的减少,在酸性地点(密度的30-65%)比在中性地点(20-40%)形成的总漂移比例要大得多。这种明显的土地利用效应大部分反映了阔叶下陆地漂移的明显增加。考虑到低pH值后,针叶林站点本身的陆生或水生漂移没有明显减少。鳟鱼的饮食结构在不同地点之间存在很大差异,部分反映了漂移的变化:在酸性地点食用的黄f和石蝇明显减少,而在阔叶下食用的陆生猎物则明显增加。但是,酸度不会降低鳟鱼的状况或肠饱满度。出乎意料的是,无论针叶树的pH值如何,鳟鱼的状况都在针叶树部位得到显着增强。因此,与河岸土地利用相比,酸度对山地溪流中底栖动物的底栖生物丰度和漂移密度的影响更大。但是,鳟鱼的觅食要足够灵活,以弥补任何可能的食物短缺,例如,改用天龙类和陆生无脊椎动物。陆地对无脊椎动物从阔叶树漂流的贡献增加,可能在补充水生猎物稀少的鳟鱼觅食机会方面很重要。这些数据说明了英国高地沿岸地区的本地树种的价值,而它们提供的能源补贴可能对否则贫困的酸流显得尤为重要 style =“ line-height:20px;”> 关键字:鳟鱼,土地利用,酸化,漂流,林业,溪流



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