首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Evaluation of model-based seasonal streamflow and water allocation forecasts for the Elqui Valley, Chile

Evaluation of model-based seasonal streamflow and water allocation forecasts for the Elqui Valley, Chile




In many semi-arid regions, multisectoral demands often stress available water supplies. Such is the case in the Elqui River valley of northern Chile, which draws on a limited-capacity reservoir to allocate 25?000 water rights. Delayed infrastructure investment forces water managers to address demand-based allocation strategies, particularly in dry years, which are realized through reductions in the volume associated with each water right. Skillful season-ahead streamflow forecasts have the potential to inform managers with an indication of future conditions to guide reservoir allocations. This work evaluates season-ahead statistical prediction models of October–January (growing season) streamflow at multiple lead times associated with manager and user decision points, and links predictions with a reservoir allocation tool. Skillful results (streamflow forecasts outperform climatology) are produced for short lead times (1?September: ranked probability skill score (RPSS) of 0.31, categorical hit skill score of 61?%). At longer lead times, climatological skill exceeds forecast skill due to fewer observations of precipitation. However, coupling the 1?September statistical forecast model with a sea surface temperature phase and strength statistical model allows for equally skillful categorical streamflow forecasts to be produced for a 1 May lead, triggered for 60?% of years (1950–2015), suggesting forecasts need not be strictly deterministic to be useful for water rights holders. An early (1?May) categorical indication of expected conditions is reinforced with a deterministic forecast (1?September) as more observations of local variables become available. The reservoir allocation model is skillful at the 1?September lead (categorical hit skill score of 53?%); skill improves to 79?% when categorical allocation prediction certainty exceeds 80?%. This result implies that allocation efficiency may improve when forecasts are integrated into reservoir decision frameworks. The methods applied here advance the understanding of the mechanisms and timing responsible for moisture transport to the Elqui Valley and provide a unique application of streamflow forecasting in the prediction of water right allocations.
机译:在许多半干旱地区,多部门的需求经常给可用水带来压力。智利北部的埃尔基河谷就是这种情况,它利用容量有限的水库分配了25 000的水权。基础设施投资的延迟迫使水管理者采取基于需求的分配策略,尤其是在干旱年份,这是通过减少与每个水权相关的数量来实现的。熟练的提前季节流量预测有可能通知管理人员未来状况的指示,以指导水库分配。这项工作评估了与管理者和用户决策点相关联的多个提前期的10月至1月(生长季节)流量的提前季节统计预测模型,并将预测与储层分配工具联系在一起。在短的交货期(9月1日至9月:排名概率技能得分(RPSS)为0.31,分类命中技能得分为61%)上产生熟练的结果(流量预测胜过气候学)。在较长的交货时间中,由于对降水的观测较少,因此气候技能超出了预报技能。但是,将9月1日的统计预测模型与海表温度相和强度统计模型结合使用,可以对5月1日的铅产生同样熟练的分类流量预测,触发了60%的年(1950-2015年)触发,预测不必严格确定即可对水权持有人有用。随着对局部变量的更多观察,确定性预测(1月至9月)加强了对预期状况的早期分类(5月至5月)。储层分配模型在9月1日前领先(分类命中技能得分为53%)。当分类分配预测确定性超过80%时,技能将提高到79%。该结果表明,当将预测整合到储层决策框架中时,分配效率可能会提高。此处使用的方法可增进对水分向Elqui谷输送的机理和时间的理解,并在预测水权分配中提供流量预测的独特应用。



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