首页> 外文期刊>Hyle: International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry >Hans-Werner Schütt: 'Auf der Suche nach dem Stein der Weisen. Die Geschichte der Alchemie

Hans-Werner Schütt: 'Auf der Suche nach dem Stein der Weisen. Die Geschichte der Alchemie




What was alchemy. This question has been a matter of discussion for at least the last two centuries, in which many scholars tried clarifying the limits of this activity. I have formulated this question in the past tense, because most scholars agree that alchemy as such had left the scene by the end of the 18thcentury, while its present continuation is usually not taken seriously. When asking this question, we find ourselves caught in a web of further problems: was alchemy a science as we understand it now, or was it a certain kind of teaching based on principles different from those consid-ered as 'scientific'. Why did alchemy appear, and why did it survive for so many centuries. Answers to the former question vacillated between extremes. In the 19thcentury, Justus von Liebig judged that "alchemy was never at any time anything different from chemistry [...] Alchemy was a science, and includ-ed all those processes in which chemis-try was technically applied". In 1742, however, Lenglet Dufresnoy opened his book on the history of hermetic philos-ophy: "I am about to give in this little work the history of the greatest folly, and of the greatest wisdom, of which men are capable." The difference be-tween both statements is striking, as is the standpoint of their authors. While Liebig focused his attention on chemical aspects of alchemy, Dufresnoy concen-trated on its links with hermeticism. Which one should we believe. Were al-chemists scientists, credulous fools, wise fools, or frauds (as they often ap-peared in the eyes of the broad public). All of this, and more, should be kept in mind when reading any history of al-chemy.
机译:什么是炼金术。这个问题至少在最近两个世纪以来一直是一个讨论的问题,许多学者试图澄清这个活动的局限性。我用过去时提出了这个问题,因为大多数学者都同意,炼金术是在18世纪末离开现场的,而现在的延续通常并没有受到重视。当问这个问题时,我们发现自己陷入了进一步的问题网:炼金术是我们现在所了解的科学,还是某种基于不同于被认为是“科学”的原理的教学。为什么炼金术出现了,为什么它存活了这么多个世纪呢。前一个问题的答案在极端之间摇摆不定。 daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org在19世纪,Justus von Liebig断定“炼金术在任何时候都与化学没有什么不同,炼金术是一门科学,并包括所有在化学上应用化学方法的过程”。然而,在1742年,Lenglet Dufresnoy开启了他关于密封哲学史的书:“我将在这份小小的著作中赋予人类最大的愚蠢和最大智慧的历史。”正如其作者的观点一样,这两种说法之间的差异是惊人的。里比希(Liebig)将注意力集中在炼金术的化学方面时,杜夫雷斯诺(Dufresnoy)则将其与气密性联系起来。我们应该相信哪一个。是化学家的科学家,轻信的愚人,明智的愚人或欺诈(因为它们在广大公众中经常出现)。阅读任何炼金历史时,应牢记所有这些以及更多内容。



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