首页> 外文期刊>HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies >God, the Christ and the Spirit in William P. Young's bestseller The shack seen from a Pauline and Johannine perspective

God, the Christ and the Spirit in William P. Young's bestseller The shack seen from a Pauline and Johannine perspective

机译:威廉·P·杨(William P.Young)畅销书中的上帝,基督和圣灵从波琳(Pauline)和约翰内宁(Johannine)的角度看棚屋



Among its more than a million readers, The shack has empowered traditionalists and seekers among Christian spirituals but has also been condemned for patripassionism and modalism. This article consists mainly of two sections. The first section considers the issue of reviewers of The shack often assessing its religious legitimacy and the value of its message by means of critically questioning its adherence to texts in the Christian Bible. The second section focuses on the accusation that, dogmatically seen, The shack's narrative point of view is heresy, especially because of its nonstandard view of Christian dogma with regard to God Triune. The aim of the article is to argue that a great deal of commonality exists between the author of The shack and both Pauline and Johannine mysticism. With regard to their God talk, the author and these biblical writers express more of a present immanent communion with the transcendental God than an expectancy of authenticity that still lies in the future and exists outside humankind's immanent time and space. It is as if they draw the end time into the sphere of the here and now by passionately talking about communion with God as a process of the future, inhaled by the present. By doing so, the God-threesome meet wounded humankind in a ‘shack', not in the ‘church' as such or ‘Scripture' as such as if God could be placed in a box.
机译:在超过一百万的读者中,该棚屋使传统主义者和寻求基督教灵修士的人获得了权力,但也因爱国主义和情态主义而受到谴责。本文主要包括两个部分。第一部分考虑了“棚屋”的审阅者问题,该棚屋经常通过批判其对《基督教圣经》的遵守程度来评估其宗教合法性和其信息的价值。第二部分着重于从教条上看到的指责,棚屋的叙事观点是异端,尤其是因为它对基督教教义关于上帝三位一体的看法不规范。本文的目的是争辩说,The hack的作者与Pauline和Johannine的神秘主义之间存在着很多共性。关于神的谈话,作者和这些圣经的作者更多地表达了与超然神目前的内在交流,而不是对真实性的期望,这种期望仍然存在于未来,并存在于人类内在的时空之外。好像他们通过热烈地谈论与上帝相交作为未来的过程,被当下所吸引,从而将结束时间带入了现在和现在的范围。这样一来,三重神在“棚屋”中相遇,而不是在“教堂”或“圣经”中遇见受伤的人类,就好像神可以放在盒子里一样。



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