首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Anatomy of a catchment: the relation of physical attributes of the Plynlimon catchments to variations in hydrology and water status

Anatomy of a catchment: the relation of physical attributes of the Plynlimon catchments to variations in hydrology and water status




The Plynlimon headwater catchments in mid-Wales have been a landmark study of water resources in the UK uplands for over 30 years. The main physical features of the catchments have been digitised as the basis for linking new model developments and process understanding. Examples are given of how the main physical attributes are related to land management, hydrology and water quality. These data are also being used to provide insights into catchment processes that may underpin the development of new research. This work is particularly relevant given the need for the assessment of water status under the Water Framework Directive. The paper presents hypothetical management scenarios for the catchments, to show how ecological status may be improved, for example, by selectively restructuring areas of commercial forest. style="line-height: 20px;">Keywords: Plynlimon, GIS, catchment study, forestry, hydrology, WFD
机译:威尔士中部的Plynlimon上游流域是30多年来英国高地水资源的里程碑式研究。流域的主要物理特征已被数字化,作为连接新模型开发和过程理解的基础。举例说明了主要物理属性与土地​​管理,水文学和水质之间的关系。这些数据还用于提供有关集水过程的见解,这些过程可能会支持新研究的发展。鉴于需要根据水框架指令评估水状况,因此这项工作特别相关。本文提出了流域的假设管理方案,以说明如何通过选择性地重组商品林面积来改善生态状况。 style =“ line-height:20px;”> 关键字: Plinlimon,地理信息系统,流域研究,林业,水文学,世界粮食日



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