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Pancreatic Resection for Carcinoma ofthe Pancreas and the PeriampullaryRegion. A Twenty-Year Experience




410 patients were treated for pancreatic and periampullary carcinoma in 1968–1987 of whom 89 (21.5%) underwent resection. Hospital mortality decreased from 33% in 1968–1972 to 0% in 1983–1987, but themorbidity rate remained unchanged. The trends were similar in patients ≥ 70 and < 70 years of age. Thepylorus-saving technique did not increase mortality, morbidity, operative blood loss or the incidence ofdelayed gastric emptying, but it did reduce the operative time by one hour (p< 0.01). The real 5 year survivalfor periampullary cancer was 52%, but none of the patients with pancreatic carcinoma survived for 5years.It is concluded that age as such is not a limiting factor for pancreatic resection. Resection can beperformed with acceptable mortality and survival rates even in patients over 70 years of age if enoughattention is paid to careful patient selection and proper preparation. The long-term prognosis is neverthelessrelated to tumour histology. The recent decline in operative mortality is mostly due to the resectionsbeing performed by the same group of surgeons. The best biopsy, and also palliation, is radical removal ofthe suspicious mass, provided that this can be performed with minimal risk.
机译:1968年至1987年,有410例胰腺癌和壶腹周围癌患者接受了治疗,其中89例(21.5%)接受了切除术。医院死亡率从1968-1972年的33%下降到1983-1987年的0%,但发病率保持不变。 ≥70岁且<70岁的患者的趋势相似。节省幽门的方法并没有增加死亡率,发病率,手术失血或胃排空延迟的发生率,但确实使手术时间减少了一个小时(p <0.01)。壶腹周围癌的真正5年生存率为52%,但没有胰腺癌患者生存5年。结论是,年龄并不是胰腺切除的限制因素。如果对精心选择的患者和适当的准备给予足够的重视,即使在70岁以上的患者中,切除也可以达到可接受的死亡率和存活率。然而,长期预后与肿瘤组织学有关。最近手术死亡率的下降主要是由于同一组外科医生进行的切除术。最好的活检方法也是减轻疼痛的方法是从根治性清除可疑肿块,但前提是可以以最小的风险进行。



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