首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Water dynamics in a laurel montane cloud forest in the Garajonay National Park (Canary Islands, Spain)

Water dynamics in a laurel montane cloud forest in the Garajonay National Park (Canary Islands, Spain)




Field measurements from February 2003 to January 2004 in a humid (but dry in summer) crest heath wood-land (degraded laurel forest) in the National Park of Garajonay, Canary Islands (Spain), were combined to calculate water balance components. The water balance domain is at the surface of the catchment and is controlled by atmospheric processes and vegetation. This study found that annual water income (rainfall plus fog water) was 1440 mm year-1, half of which was occult (or fog) precipitation, while stand transpiration estimated from measurements of sap flow amounted, annually, to 40% of potential evapotranspiration calculated from measurements of meteorological variables. The positive role of crest laurel forests, which transpire less water than is incoming from rain and fog is emphasised. style="line-height: 20px;">Keywords: laurel forest, fog interception, stand transpiration, sap flow, hydrological cycle
机译:结合2003年2月至2004年1月在加那利群岛(西班牙)加拉霍奈国家公园的湿润(但夏季干燥)波峰荒地林地(退化的月桂林)中进行的野外测量,以计算出水平衡组件。水平衡域位于流域表面,并受大气过程和植被控制。这项研究发现,每年的水收入(降雨加雾水)为1440 mm年 -1 ,其中一半是隐性(或雾)降水,而通过测量树液流量估算的林分蒸腾量每年,这是根据气象变量的测量结果计算得出的潜在蒸散量的40%。强调了月桂林的积极作用,其蒸腾的水分少于雨雾带来的水分。 style =“ line-height:20px;”> 关键字:月桂林,雾气截留,林分蒸腾,液流,水文循环



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