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Stochastic generation of annual, monthly and daily climate data: A review




The generation ofrainfall and other climate data needs a range of models depending on the timeand spatial scales involved. Most of the models usedpreviously do not take into account year to year variations in the modelparameters. Long periods of wet and dry years were observedin the past but were not taken into account. Recently, Thyer and Kuczera (1999)developed a hidden state Markov model to account for thewet and dry spells explicitly in annual rainfall. This review looks firstly attraditional time series models and then at the more complex modelswhich take account of the pseudo-cycles in the data. Monthly rainfall data havebeen generated successfully by using the method of fragments.The main criticism of this approach is the repetitions of the same yearlypattern when only a limited number of years of historical dataare available. This deficiency has been overcome by using synthetic fragmentsbut this brings an additional problem of generating the rightnumber of months with zero rainfall. Disaggregation schemes are effective inobtaining monthly data but the main problem is the large numberof parameters to be estimated when dealing with many sites. Severalsimplifications have been proposed to overcome this problem. Modelsfor generating daily rainfall are well developed. The transition probabilitymatrix method preserves most of the characteristics of daily,monthly and annual characteristics and is shown to be the best performing model.The two-part model has been shown by many researchers toperform well across a range of climates at the daily level but has not beentested adequately at monthly or annual levels. A shortcomingof the existing models is the consistent underestimation of the variances of thesimulated monthly and annual totals. As an alternative,conditioning model parameters on monthly amounts or perturbing the modelparameters with the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI)result in better agreement between the variance of the simulated and observedannual rainfall and these approaches should be investigated further.As climate data are less variable than rainfall, but are correlated amongthemselves and with rainfall, multisite-type models have been usedsuccessfully to generate annual data. The monthly climate data can be obtainedby disaggregating these annual data. On a daily time step ata site, climate data have been generated using a multisite type modelconditional on the state of the present and previous days. The generationof daily climate data at a number of sites remains a challenging problem. Ifdaily rainfall can be modelled successfully by a censoredpower of normal distribution then the model can be extended easily to generatedaily climate data at several sites simultaneously. Mostof the early work on the impacts of climate change used historical data adjustedfor the climate change. In recent studies, stochastic dailyweather generation models are used to compute climate data by adjusting theparameters appropriately for the future climates assumed.
机译:降雨和其他气候数据的生成需要一系列模型,具体取决于所涉及的时间和空间尺度。以前使用的大多数模型都没有考虑模型参数的逐年变化。过去观察到长时间的湿润和干燥,但没有考虑在内。最近,Thyer and Kuczera(1999)建立了一个隐含状态马尔可夫模型,以明确解释年降水量中的干湿两季。本文首先考察传统的时间序列模型,然后研究考虑数据中伪周期的更复杂的模型。使用分段方法已经成功地产生了月降雨量数据。这种方法的主要批评是,当只有有限年数的历史数据可用时,重复相同的年度模式。通过使用合成碎片可以克服这种不足,但是这带来了另一个问题,即在零降雨的情况下生成正确数量的月份。分解方案可以有效地获取月度数据,但是主要问题是在处理许多站点时需要估计大量参数。已经提出了几种简化方案来克服这个问题。产生日降雨的模型已经很好地开发了。过渡概率矩阵方法保留了每日,每月和每年的大部分特征,并被证明是性能最好的模型。许多研究人员已经证明,由两部分组成的模型在每天的各种气候条件下都能表现良好,但具有每月或每年未经过充分测试。现有模型的一个缺点是始终低估了模拟的月度和年度总计的方差。作为替代方案,以月量为条件的模型参数或以南方涛动指数(SOI)干扰模型参数会导致模拟降雨和观测年降雨量的方差更好地一致,因此应进一步研究这些方法。降雨,但它们之间相互关联,并且与降雨有关,已成功使用多站点类型模型生成年度数据。可以通过分解这些年度数据来获取每月气候数据。在每日时间步长网站上,已使用多站点类型模型生成了气候数据,该模型以当前和前几天的状态为条件。在许多地点每天的气候数据的产生仍然是一个具有挑战性的问题。如果每天的雨量可以通过正态分布的检查力成功建模,则可以轻松地将该模型扩展到同时在多个站点生成的每日气候数据。关于气候变化影响的大部分早期工作都使用针对气候变化调整的历史数据。在最近的研究中,随机日天气生成模型用于通过适当地针对所假设的未来气候调整参数来计算气候数据。



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