首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Hydrological response of a small catchment burned by experimental fire

Hydrological response of a small catchment burned by experimental fire




Fire can considerably change hydrological processes, increasing the risk ofextreme flooding and erosion events. Although hydrological processes arelargely affected by scale, catchment-scale studies on the hydrologicalimpact of fire in Europe are scarce, and nested approaches are rarely used.We performed a catchment-scale experimental fire to improve insight into thedrivers of fire impact on hydrology. In north-central Portugal, rainfall,canopy interception, streamflow and soil moisture were monitored in smallshrub-covered paired catchments pre- and post-fire. The shrub cover wasmedium dense to dense (44 to 84%) and pre-fire canopy interception was onaverage 48.7% of total rainfall. Fire increased streamflow volumes 1.6times more than predicted, resulting in increased runoff coefficients andchanged rainfall-streamflow relationships – although the increase instreamflow per unit rainfall was only significant at the subcatchment-scale.Fire also fastened the response of topsoil moisture to rainfall from 2.7 to2.1 h (p = 0.058), and caused more rapid drying of topsoils after rain events.Since soil physical changes due to fire were not apparent, we suggest thatchanges resulting from vegetation removal played an important role inincreasing streamflow after fire. Results stress that fire impact onhydrology is largely affected by scale, highlight the hydrological impact offire on small scales, and emphasize the risk of overestimating fire impactwhen upscaling plot-scale studies to the catchment-scale. Finally, theyincrease understanding of the processes contributing to post-fire floodingand erosion events.
机译:火灾会大大改变水文过程,增加极端洪水和侵蚀事件的风险。尽管水文过程受规模的影响很大,但是在欧洲,集水规模的研究对火灾的水文影响却很少,很少使用嵌套方法。我们进行了集水规模的实验性火灾,以了解火灾对水文影响的驱动力。在葡萄牙中北部,在大火前后,对小灌木覆盖的成对流域的降雨,冠层截留,水流和土壤湿度进行了监测。灌木覆盖程度中等至密集(44%至84%),火前冠层截留平均占总降雨量的48.7%。火灾使流量增加了1.6倍,超出了预期,导致径流系数增加,并且降雨-流量关系发生了变化,尽管单位降雨量的流入流量仅在子汇水面积范围内显着增加。火灾还使表土湿度对降雨的响应从2.7提高到了2。 .1 h( p = 0.058),并导致降雨后表土更快干燥。由于火势引起的土壤物理变化不明显,因此我们建议去除植被引起的变化起着重要的促进作用火灾后的水流。结果强调火灾影响水文学在很大程度上受规模影响,着重指出火灾对小规模的水文影响,并强调在将样地规模研究扩大到流域规模时高估火灾影响的风险。最后,他们加深了对造成火灾后洪水和侵蚀事件的过程的了解。



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