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Comparative assessment of predictions in ungauged basins – Part 3: Runoff signatures in Austria




This is the third of a three-part paper series through which we assess theperformance of runoff predictions in ungauged basins in a comparative way.Whereas the two previous papers by Parajka et al. (2013) and Salinaset al. (2013) assess the regionalisation performance ofhydrographs and hydrological extremes on the basis of a comprehensiveliterature review of thousands of case studies around the world, in thispaper we jointly assess prediction performance of a range of runoffsignatures for a consistent and rich dataset. Daily runoff time series arepredicted for 213 catchments in Austria by a regionalised rainfall–runoffmodel and by Top-kriging, a geostatistical estimation method that accountsfor the river network hierarchy. From the runoff time-series, six runoffsignatures are extracted: annual runoff, seasonal runoff, flow durationcurves, low flows, high flows and runoff hydrographs. The predictiveperformance is assessed in terms of the bias, error spread and proportion ofunexplained spatial variance of statistical measures of these signatures incross-validation (blind testing) mode. Results of the comparative assessmentshow that, in Austria, the predictive performance increases with catchmentarea for both methods and for most signatures, it tends to increase withelevation for the regionalised rainfall–runoff model, while the dependenceon climate characteristics is weaker. Annual and seasonal runoff can bepredicted more accurately than all other signatures. The spatial variabilityof high flows in ungauged basins is the most difficult to estimate followedby the low flows. It also turns out that in this data-rich study in Austria,the geostatistical approach (Top-kriging) generally outperforms theregionalised rainfall–runoff model.
机译:这是由三部分组成的论文系列中的第三篇,通过该系列论文,我们以比较的方式评估了未灌流盆地的径流预报性能。 (2013)和Salinaset等。 (2013年)在对全球成千上万个案例研究进行全面文献综述的基础上,评估了水文图和极端水文的区域化性能,在本文中,我们联合评估了一系列径流签名对于一个一致且丰富的数据集的预测性能。奥地利的213个流域的每日径流时间序列通过区域化降雨-径流模型和Top-kriging(一种解释河网层次结构的地统计估计方法)进行预测。从径流时间序列中,提取了六个径流特征:年度径流,季节径流,流量持续时间曲线,低流量,高流量和径流水位图。通过在交叉验证(盲测)模式下对这些签名的统计度量的偏差,误差扩散和无法解释的空间方差的比例来评估预测性能。比较评估的结果表明,在奥地利,两种方法和大多数特征的预报性能都随着集水区的增加而增加,而对于区域性降雨径流模型,其预报性能往往会升高,而对气候特征的依赖性则较弱。与所有其他特征相比,可以更准确地预测年径流量和季节径流量。无流量盆地中高流量的空间变异性最难估计,其次是低流量。结果还表明,在奥地利的这项数据丰富的研究中,地统计学方法(Top-kriging)通常优于区域降雨-径流模型。



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