首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Stratified analysis of satellite imagery of SW Europe during summer 2003: the differential response of vegetation classes to increased water deficit

Stratified analysis of satellite imagery of SW Europe during summer 2003: the differential response of vegetation classes to increased water deficit




The extraordinarily warm and dry summer experienced in SW Europe in 2003provides an interesting case study for the analysis of the response ofregional-scale vegetation variables to drier and hotter conditions. SWEurope includes a boundary between phytogeographic and climatic regions(Oceanic and Mediterranean) that differ in terms of summer precipitation,which let us compare the response of different vegetation types. Inaddition, some scenarios predict summer conditions such as those of 2003 tobe common by the latter decades of the 21st century in this region. Wehave analyzed a monthly series of regional fields of normalized differencevegetation index from the VEGETATION-SPOT5 instrument, from 1999 to 2003. Weshow that negative anomalies of vegetation index in summer 2003 were largerfor herbaceous vegetation of the Oceanic climate region and for deciduousforests. The vegetation index of August 2003 in the Mediterranean climateregion was also significantly lower than normal values in August 1999–2002,albeit the anomalies were small in absolute value. We compared August NDVI,as a measure of the vegetation response, to the difference between totalsummer precipitation and total summer potential evapotranspiration, as ameasure of atmospheric water stress. Our results indicate that water stressis a major factor structuring the geographic variability of NDVI in thisregion. In accordance with these results, the analysis of the data of 2003indicate that the increased water stress was a key factor of the observedanomalies of vegetation index.
机译:2003年欧洲西南部经历的异常温暖干燥的夏季为分析区域尺度植被变量对干燥和炎热条件的响应提供了一个有趣的案例研究。 SWEurope在夏季降水方面在植物地理和气候区域(海洋和地中海)之间划定了界限,这使我们可以比较不同植被类型的响应。另外,一些情景预测该地区的夏季气候,例如2003年的夏季气候,将在21世纪下半叶出现。我们从VEGETATION-SPOT5仪器分析了1999年至2003年每个月的归一化植被指数区域区域序列。我们表明,2003年夏季,植被指数的负异常对于海洋气候区的草本植物和落叶林更大。尽管异常值绝对值很小,但地中海气候区2003年8月的植被指数也大大低于1999-2002年8月的正常值。我们将8月NDVI作为植被响应的量度与总夏季降水量和夏季总潜在蒸散量之间的差异进行了比较,以作为大气水分胁迫的量度。我们的结果表明,水分胁迫是构造该地区NDVI地理变异性的主要因素。根据这些结果,2003年的数据分析表明,水分胁迫加剧是观测到的植被指数异常的关键因素。



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