首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Impact of spatial data resolution on simulated catchment water balances and model performance of the multi-scale TOPLATS model

Impact of spatial data resolution on simulated catchment water balances and model performance of the multi-scale TOPLATS model




This paper analyses the effect of spatial input data resolution on thesimulated water balances and flow components using the multi-scalehydrological model TOPLATS. A data set of 25m resolution of the centralGerman Dill catchment (693 km2) is used for investigation. After anaggregation of digital elevation model, soil map and land use classificationto 50 m, 75 m, 100 m, 150 m, 200 m, 300 m, 500 m, 1000 m and 2000 m, water balancesand water flow components are calculated for the entire Dill catchment aswell as for 3 subcatchments without any recalibration. The study shows thatmodel performance measures and simulated water balances almost remainconstant for most of the aggregation steps for all investigated catchments.Slight differences in the simulated water balances and statistical qualitymeasures occur for single catchments at the resolution of 50 m to 500 m(e.g. 0–3% for annual stream flow), significant differences at the resolutionof 1000 m and 2000 m (e.g. 2–12% for annual stream flow). These differencescan be explained by the fact that the statistics of certain input data (landuse data in particular as well as soil physical characteristics) changessignificantly at these spatial resolutions. The impact of smoothing therelief by aggregation occurs continuously but is barely reflected by thesimulation results. To study the effect of aggregation of land use data indetail, in addition to current land use the effect of aggregation on thewater balance calculations based on three different land use scenarios isinvestigated. Land use scenarios were available aiming on economicoptimisation of agricultural and forestry practices at different field sizes(0.5 ha, 1.5 ha and 5.0 ha). The changes in water balance terms, induced byaggregation of the land use scenarios, are comparable with respect tocatchment water balances compared to the current land use. A correlationanalysis between statistics of input data and simulated annual water fluxesonly in some cases reveals systematically high correlation coefficients forall investigated catchments and data sets (e.g. actual evapotranspiration iscorrelated to land use, surface runoff generation is correlated to soilproperties). Predominantly the correlation between catchment properties(e.g. topographic index, transmissivity, land use) and simulated water flowsvaries from catchment to catchment. Catchment specific properties determinecorrelations between properties and fluxes, but do not influence the effectof data aggregation. This study indicates that an aggregation of input datafor the calculation of regional water balances using TOPLATS type modelsleads to significant errors from a resolution exceeding 500 m. Correlatingstatistics of input data and simulation results indicates that a meaningfulaggregation of data should in the first instance aim on preserving the arealfractions of land use classes.
机译:本文使用多尺度水文学模型TOPLATS分析了空间输入数据分辨率对模拟水平衡和流量分量的影响。以德国迪尔中部流域(693 km 2 )的分辨率为25m的数据集进行调查。将数字高程模型,土壤图和土地利用分类汇总为50 m,75 m,100 m,150 m,200 m,300 m,500 m,1000 m和2000 m后,计算了整个区域的水平衡和水流分量莳萝集水区以及3个子集水区,无需任何重新校准。研究表明,在所有调查流域的大多数汇聚步骤中,模型性能指标和模拟水平衡几乎保持不变。单个流域的模拟水平衡和统计质量度量存在细微差异,分辨率为50 m至500 m(例如0 –年流量为3%),分辨率为1000 m和2000 m时有显着差异(例如,年流量为2–12%)。这些差异可以通过以下事实来解释:某些输入数据(尤其是土地利用数据以及土壤物理特性)的统计数据在这些空间分辨率下发生了显着变化。通过聚集来平滑浮雕的影响是连续发生的,但模拟结果几乎没有反映出来。为了研究土地利用数据汇总的影响,除了目前的土地利用外,还研究了基于三种不同土地利用情景的汇总对水平衡计算的影响。可以使用土地使用情景,旨在经济优化不同田间面积(0.5公顷,1.5公顷和5.0公顷)的农业和林业实践。与当前土地利用相比,由集水利用情景的集合引起的水平衡术语的变化在集水区水平衡方面具有可比性。仅在某些情况下,输入数据的统计量与模拟的年通水量之间的相关性分析揭示了所有调查流域和数据集的系统性高相关系数(例如,实际蒸散量与土地利用相关,地表径流的产生与土壤性质相关)。流域特性(例如地形指数,透射率,土地利用)与模拟水流量之间的相关性主要因流域而异。流域特定的属性决定了属性与通量之间的相关性,但不影响数据聚集的效果。这项研究表明,使用TOPLATS类型的模型来计算区域水量平衡时,输入数据的汇总会导致超过500 m的分辨率产生重大误差。输入数据和模拟结果的相关统计数据表明,有意义的数据汇总首先应旨在保留土地利用类别的面积分数。



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