首页> 外文期刊>Hormones: International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism >Sequential treatment with teriparatide and strontium ranelate in a postmenopausal woman with atypical femoral fractures after long-term bisphosphonate administration

Sequential treatment with teriparatide and strontium ranelate in a postmenopausal woman with atypical femoral fractures after long-term bisphosphonate administration




OBJECTIVE: Despite the existence of numerous case series, no evidenced-based medical management for atypical fractures associated with bisphosphonate (BP) treatment has been established. DESIGN: We report the outcome of teriparatide (TRP) administration followed by strontium ranelate (SR) in a woman with a complete and an incomplete contralateral atypical fracture of the femoral diaphysis (AFF) associated with BP treatment. The spontaneous complete AFF was managed with intramedullary nailing, discontinuation of BP and initiation TRP. RESULTS: Eleven months later, she suffered a contralateral incomplete AFF. At the completion of the TRP treatment, she had only slight discomfort in the femur with the incomplete AFF. BMD testing revealed increase of 7.61% at the lumbar spine (LS) and 0.8% at the hip. Following TRP, 1-year SR treatment resulted in further BMD increase of 9.2% at the LS and 1.4% in the hip, while she does not report any pain. Bone markers remain within the normal range. CONCLUSION: Our case indicates that sequential therapy with TRP and SR in cases of AFF might be a rational treatment option. However, there is a need for additional information concerning the effect of TRP and SR, given alone or sequentially, in these patients in order to incorporate these drugs into the management of AFF.
机译:目的:尽管存在众多病例系列,但尚未建立基于证据的双膦酸盐(BP)治疗相关非典型骨折的医学治疗方法。设计:我们报道了在伴有BP治疗的股骨干physi端完全性和不完全性对侧非典型性骨折的女性中,联合使用特立帕肽(TRP)和雷奈酸锶(SR)的结果。自发性完全性AFF通过髓内钉,BP中断和起始TRP进行治疗。结果:11个月后,她遭受了对侧不完全AFF。 TRP治疗完成后,由于AFF不完全,她的股骨仅有轻微不适。 BMD测试显示,腰椎(LS)上升7.61%,髋部上升0.8%。 TRP后,一年的SR治疗导致LS的BMD进一步增加了9.2%,髋部的BMD进一步增加了1.4%,尽管她没有任何疼痛。骨标记物保持在正常范围内。结论:我们的病例表明在AFF病例中采用TRP和SR进行序贯治疗可能是一种合理的治疗选择。然而,需要单独或顺序给予有关TRP和SR作用的其他信息,以将这些药物纳入AFF的管理。


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