首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >A global water scarcity assessment under Shared Socio-economic Pathways – Part 1: Water use

A global water scarcity assessment under Shared Socio-economic Pathways – Part 1: Water use




A novel global water scarcity assessment for the 21st century ispresented in a two-part paper. In this first paper, water use scenarios arepresented for the latest global hydrological models. The scenarios arecompatible with the socio-economic scenarios of the Shared Socio-economicPathways (SSPs), which are a part of the latest set of scenarios on globalchange developed by the integrated assessment, the IAV (climate changeimpact, adaptation, and vulnerability assessment), and the climate modelingcommunity. The SSPs depict five global situations based on substantiallydifferent socio-economic conditions during the 21st century. Water usescenarios were developed to reflect not only quantitative socio-economicfactors, such as population and electricity production, but also keyqualitative concepts such as the degree of technological change and overallenvironmental consciousness. Each scenario consists of five factors:irrigated area, crop intensity, irrigation efficiency, and withdrawal-basedpotential industrial and municipal water demands. The first three factorsare used to estimate the potential irrigation water demand. All factors weredeveloped using simple models based on a literature review and analysis ofhistorical records. The factors are grid-based at a spatial resolution of0.5° × 0.5° and cover the whole 21stcentury in five-year intervals. Each factor shows wide variation among thedifferent global situations depicted: the irrigated area in 2085 variesbetween 2.7 × 106 and 4.5 × 106 km2,withdrawal-based potential industrial water demand between 246 and 1714 km3 yr?1,and municipal water between 573 and 1280 km3 yr?1. The water usescenarios can be used for global water scarcityassessments that identify the regions vulnerable to water scarcity andanalyze the timing and magnitude of scarcity conditions.
机译:分为两部分的论文介绍了21世纪的新型全球水资源短缺评估。在第一篇论文中,介绍了最新的全球水文模型的用水情景。这些方案与共享社会经济途径(SSP)的社会经济方案兼容,它们是综合评估,IAV(气候变化影响,适应性和脆弱性评估)制定的最新全球变化方案的一部分,和气候建模社区。 SSP根据21世纪的社会经济状况,描绘了五种全球情况。制定了用水情景,不仅反映了人口和电力生产等定量的社会经济因素,而且还反映了关键的定性概念,如技术变化的程度和整体环境意识。每个方案都由五个因素组成:灌溉面积,作物密度,灌溉效率以及基于抽水的潜在工业和市政用水需求。前三个因素用于估算潜在的灌溉需水量。所有因素均基于文献回顾和历史记录分析使用简单模型开发。这些因素是基于网格的,空间分辨率为0.5°×0.5°,并且每隔五年便覆盖整个21世纪。每个因素在所示的不同全球情况之间都存在很大差异:2085年的灌溉面积在2.7×10 6 和4.5×10 6 km 2 之间变化,基于取水的潜在工业用水需求介于246和1714 km 3 yr ?1 之间,城市用水介于573和1280 km 3 yr ?1 。用水情景可用于全球水资源短缺评估,该评估可确定易受水资源短缺影响的区域并分析水资源短缺状况的时间和程度。



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