首页> 外文期刊>Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics >Evaluation of Aetiological Causes, Clinical Features, Treatment and Prognosis in Patients Diagnosed with and Treated for Status Epilepticus: An Epidemiological Study

Evaluation of Aetiological Causes, Clinical Features, Treatment and Prognosis in Patients Diagnosed with and Treated for Status Epilepticus: An Epidemiological Study




Due to its high levels of morbidity and mortality, status epilepticus is an important paediatric emergency condition. The purpose of this study was to determine aetiological causes in patients diagnosed with and treated for status epilepticus in our hospital, to assess these patients in terms of clinical features, treatment and prognosis and to establish the efficacy of drugs used in treatment. One hundred sixty-two patients diagnosed with status epilepticus and aged 0-18 years were included. Generalised seizure was the most common form at 85.2%. In terms of aetiology, 59 patients (36.4%) were acute symptomatic, 40 (24.7%) febrile, 23 (14.2%) chronic symptomatic and 9 (5.6%) progressive. In conclusion, concluding the seizure in as short a time as possible with early, aggressive and appropriate treatment in cases of SE and the prevention of probable complication if seizures are prolonged is important in terms of reducing probable morbidity and mortality levels.



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