首页> 外文期刊>Herpetological Conservation and Biology >Conservation Status of Hellbenders ( Cryptobranchus alleganiensis ) in Alabama, USA.

Conservation Status of Hellbenders ( Cryptobranchus alleganiensis ) in Alabama, USA.

机译:美国阿拉巴马州的地狱使者(Cryptobranchus alleganiensis)的保护状况。



Hellbenders (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis) historically occurred in large numbers in the eastern United States,but they have undergone a considerable decline due to habitat modification and its subsequent effects on stream quality.To evaluate the Hellbender’s current status in Alabama, we verified several recent anecdotal sightings of Hellbenders,and conducted 355 person hours of surveys and 31 trap nights in most historical collection localities and at severaladditional sites that we considered suitable for this species. We failed to find any Hellbenders during our survey. IfHellbenders still exist in Alabama, they represent relict populations that occur in very low population densities, and likelywill be extirpated from the state in the near future. The apparent decline and possible extirpation of Hellbenders inAlabama is probably related to degradation of habitat and water quality resulting from large scale impoundments andland use patterns. As such, land use and water utilization practices will likely persist, and we recommend thatconservation efforts intended for this species in Alabama be focused on other species, or on other areas of this species’range where conservation success is more feasible.
机译:历史上在美国东部大量发生地狱使者(Cryptobranchus alleganiensis),但由于栖息地的改变及其对溪流质量的影响,地狱使者经历了相当大的下降。在最古老的采集地区以及我们认为适合该物种的其他地点进行了355人时的调查和31个陷阱之夜。我们在调查期间没有找到任何地狱使者。如果Hellbenders仍然存在于阿拉巴马州,则它们代表的是人口密度非常低的遗留人口,并且很可能在不久的将来从该州灭绝。在阿拉巴马州,地狱使者的明显减少和灭绝可能与大规模蓄水和土地利用方式导致的栖息地和水质退化有关。因此,土地使用和水利用做法可能会持续下去,我们建议针对阿拉巴马州该物种的保护工作应着重于其他物种,或该物种范围内其他可能成功实现保护的领域。



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