首页> 外文期刊>Healthcare policy >Does Receiving Clinical Preventive Services Vary across Different Types of Primary Healthcare Organizations? Evidence from a Population-Based Survey Healthcare Policy Vol. 6 No. 2 2010

Does Receiving Clinical Preventive Services Vary across Different Types of Primary Healthcare Organizations? Evidence from a Population-Based Survey Healthcare Policy Vol. 6 No. 2 2010

机译:接受临床预防服务会因不同类型的初级医疗保健组织而异吗?来自基于人口的调查医疗保健政策第一卷的证据。 2010年第2号6



Objective: To measure the association between primary healthcare (PHC) organizational types and patient coverage for clinical preventive services (CPS). Method: Study conducted in Quebec (2005), including a population-based survey of patients' experience of care (N=4,417) and a survey of PHC clinics. Outcome measures: Patient-reported CPS delivery rates and CPS coverage scores. Multiple logistic regressions used to assess factors associated with higher probability of receiving CPS. Results: CPS delivery rates were higher among patients with a regular source of PHC. Higher CPS score was associated with having a public (OR 1.79; 95% CI 1.35–2.37) or mixed (OR 1.22; 95% CI 1.01–1.48) type of organization as source of PHC compared to a private one, and having had a high number of visits to the regular source of PHC in the past two years (≥6: OR 1.83; 95% CI 1.41–2.38) compared to a single visit. Conclusion: Public and mixed PHC organizations seem to perform better. CPS delivery is strongly associated with having a regular source of care.
机译:目的:衡量初级保健(PHC)组织类型与临床预防服务(CPS)患者覆盖率之间的关联。方法:在魁北克开展的研究(2005年),包括基于人群的患者护理经历调查(N = 4,417)和PHC诊所调查。成果指标:患者报告的CPS交付率和CPS覆盖分数。多种逻辑回归用于评估与接受CPS的可能性更高相关的因素。结果:定期提供PHC的患者中CPS递送率更高。与私人组织相比,与公共组织相比,较高的CPS得分与使用公共组织(OR 1.79; 95%CI 1.35–2.37)或混合(OR 1.22; 95%CI 1.01–1.48)组织作为PHC的来源有关。与单次访问相比,过去两年中,对常规PHC来源的访问次数较高(≥6:OR 1.83; 95%CI 1.41-2.38)。结论:公共和混合PHC组织的表现似乎更好。 CPS的交付与定期的护理来源密切相关。



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