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Estimation of Hepatitis A Virus Infection Prevalence Among Eastern Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Countries: A Systematic Review and Pooled Analysis




Context: Hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection is the most common type of acute viral hepatitis that has been proposed as an important public health issue. Most of the countries in WHO Eastern Mediterranean region (EMR) and Middle East (ME) have a high endemicity of HAV infection. To provide a comprehensive estimation of the epidemiology of HAV in this region, we carried out a systematic review on the literature reporting the prevalence of HAV infection in the EMR and ME. Evidence Acquisition: We conducted a systematic search in the databases including PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct, and Web of science using appropriate search strategies. Observational studies published between January 1990 and July 2016 with clearly stated data regarding HAV Ab (IgG) in non-high-risk groups from countries of EMR and ME were examined. We estimated the prevalence of HAV infection and 95% confidence interval based on the pooled data from all included studies for each country, and the regions were weighted according to the population size of each country in that region. Results: The HAV prevalence in ME, WHO EMR, and in total was 61.60 (61.31 - 61.89), 65.74 (65.39 - 66.09), and 62.60 (62.32 - 62.89), respectively. We found no eligible study for Bahrain, Djibouti, Libya, Oman, Qatar, and Sudan. Cyprus had the lowest prevalence rate of HAV (2.61% (1.53 - 4.17)) that along with UAE and Kuwait, it had a prevalence rate below 50%. The most HAV prevalence rates were related to Afghanistan (99.01 (95.51 - 99.89)), Iraq (96.35 (95.97 - 96.70)), Somalia (96.00 (94.16 - 97.33)), and Palestine (93.70 (90.96 - 95.77)), in sequence. Conclusions: The countries of EMR and ME need more and constant programs for prevention and control of HAV infection. Also, further primary original epidemiological studies are needed in some countries of the region.
机译:背景:甲型肝炎病毒(HAV)感染是急性病毒性肝炎的最常见类型,已被提议作为重要的公共卫生问题。世卫组织东地中海区域(EMR)和中东(ME)的大多数国家都具有高流行性的HAV感染。为了提供对该地区HAV流行病学的综合评估,我们对报道EMR和ME中HAV感染率的文献进行了系统的综述。证据获取:我们使用适当的搜索策略在包括PubMed,Scopus,Science Direct和Web of Science在内的数据库中进行了系统的搜索。在1990年1月至2016年7月之间发表的观察性研究中,对来自EMR和ME国家的非高危人群中有关HAV Ab(IgG)的明确陈述的数据进行了检查。基于每个国家所有纳入研究的汇总数据,我们估计了HAV感染的患病率和95%的置信区间,并根据该地区每个国家的人口规模对该地区进行了加权。结果:ME,WHO EMR中的HAV患病率分别为61.60(61.31-61.89),65.74(65.39-66.09)和62.60(62.32-62.89)。我们没有针对巴林,吉布提,利比亚,阿曼,卡塔尔和苏丹的合格研究。塞浦路斯的HAV患病率最低(2.61%(1.53-4.17)),与阿联酋和科威特一样,其患病率低于50%。最高的甲肝流行率与阿富汗(99.01(95.51-99.89)),伊拉克(96.35(95.97-96.70)),索马里(96.00(94.16-97.33))和巴勒斯坦(93.70(90.96-95.77))有关。顺序。结论:EMR和ME国家需要更多和不断的计划来预防和控制HAV感染。此外,该区域一些国家还需要进一步的原始原始流行病学研究。



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