首页> 外文期刊>H-ermes. Journal of Communication >Screening: identificazione precoce e prevenzione come bene comune = Screening: early identification and prevention as a common good

Screening: identificazione precoce e prevenzione come bene comune = Screening: early identification and prevention as a common good




Screening: early identification and prevention as a common good. This contribution aims to highlight the importance of the early screening within the learning disabilities as a common good. Specific Learning disabilities (DSAs) are due to a relative impairment of the child's ability to learn in the presence of an adequate intellectual level and in absence of neurological pathologies and sensory deficits, and limit the activities of the child’s everyday life. In the last few years, this issue has considerably increased in Italy. Concerning the Italian language, the prevalence of DSAs ranges between 3% and 4% of the developing population for the Italian language (Consensus Conference, DSAs, ISS 2011). The law 170, October 8th 2010 declares that the school has the task of detecting early suspected DSA cases. Schools represent a common good and therefore it is necessary to think about education as a promoter of equality, inclusion and equality. Screening activities in schools can play a significant role in raising awareness and in staff training, enabling not only an early recognition of DSAs, but also implementing appropriate teaching measures.
机译:筛查:早期发现和预防是共同的好处。这项贡献旨在强调学习障碍中作为公共物品的早期筛查的重要性。特定的学习障碍(DSA)是由于在足够的智力水平,没有神经病理学和感觉缺陷的情况下孩子的学习能力受到相对损害,并限制了孩子的日常生活。在过去的几年中,这个问题在意大利大大增加了。关于意大利语,DSA的普及率占发展中意大利语群体的3%至4%(共识会议,DSA,ISS 2011)。 2010年10月8日第170号法律宣布,学校有责任发现早期的可疑DSA案件。学校代表着一种共同的利益,因此有必要将教育视为平等,包容和平等的推动者。学校的筛选活动可以在提高认识和员工培训中发挥重要作用,不仅可以尽早识别DSA,还可以实施适当的教学措施。



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