首页> 外文期刊>H-ermes. Journal of Communication >Trans Adriatic Pipeline: un gasdotto al centro del conflitto sociale e un movimento in lotta per fermarlo=Trans Adriatic Pipeline: a gas pipeline at the Centre of a social struggle and a movement in conflict to stop it

Trans Adriatic Pipeline: un gasdotto al centro del conflitto sociale e un movimento in lotta per fermarlo=Trans Adriatic Pipeline: a gas pipeline at the Centre of a social struggle and a movement in conflict to stop it




Trans Adriatic Pipeline: a gas pipeline at the Centre of a social struggle and a movement in conflict to stop it. The Trans Adriatic Pipeline project, (Tap), concerns the construction of a gas pipeline that would transport natural gas from Azerbaijan to Italy. The project, supported by the Italian Government and the European Union, has been the subject of protests and opposition – developed into a social conflict ?– by communities of Salento, that should accept the work. This paper describes the main controversial tracts concerning the project, the reactions of the local population, the importance of the sense of community, and the citizen’s feeling of distrust and disappointment for the institutions



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