首页> 外文期刊>World Journal of Surgical Oncology >Comparison of the outcomes between thoracoscopic and laparoscopic esophagectomy via retrosternal and prevertebral lifting paths by the same surgeon

Comparison of the outcomes between thoracoscopic and laparoscopic esophagectomy via retrosternal and prevertebral lifting paths by the same surgeon




Background The objective of the study is to explore the effects of retrosternal and prevertebral lifting paths of the tubular stomach on postoperative complications of patients undergoing cervical anastomosis in thoracoscopic and laparoscopic esophagectomy. Methods Sixty-three patients were retrospectively analyzed. The patients received thoracoscopic and laparoscopic esophagectomy by the same surgeon. According to the path by which the stomach was lifted upward, the patients were divided into two groups: the retrosternal path group (32 patients) and the prevertebral path group (31 patients). Operative indications and complications of postoperative patients in these two groups were observed. Results There was no statistically significant difference in the time duration of surgery, amount of bleeding, number of dissected lymph node, and postoperative hospitalization time between the retrosternal and prevertebral lifting paths ( P >?0.05). Furthermore, the two groups did not show significant difference in the incidence rate of postoperative anastomosis fistula complications ( P?= 0.702 ) . Instead, the amount of postoperative gastric drainage and the incidence rates of the pulmonary infection were significantly lower in the retrosternal path group than in the prevertebral path group, respectively ( P =?0.001, P =?0.012, respectively). Conclusion The esophagogastrostomic cervical anastomoses performed via the retrosternal and prevertebral paths are both feasible methods of digestive tract reconstruction. The amount of postoperative gastric drainage volume and the pulmonary infection incidence rate in the retrosternal path group were lower than those in the prevertebral path group. Therefore, gastroesophageal anastomosis via the retrosternal lifting path may be preferably considered for thoracoscopic and laparoscopic surgery for esophageal carcinoma patients.
机译:背景技术本研究的目的是探讨胸腹腔镜和腹腔镜食管切除术中,胸骨后胸骨和椎骨的前抬举路径对宫颈吻合术患者术后并发症的影响。方法对63例患者进行回顾性分析。患者由同一位外科医生进行了胸腔镜和腹腔镜食管切除术。根据将胃向上抬起的路径,将患者分为两组:胸骨后路径组(32例)和椎前路径组(31例)。观察两组患者的手术适应症和术后并发症。结果胸骨后和椎体抬高路径之间的手术时间,出血量,淋巴结清扫数量和术后住院时间无统计学差异(P>?0.05)。此外,两组术后吻合口瘘并发症的发生率没有显着差异(P = 0.702)。取而代之的是,胸骨后路径组的术后胃引流量和肺部感染的发生率分别显着低于椎骨前路径组(分别为P = 0.001,P = 0.012)。结论经胸骨后和椎前路径进行食管胃吻合口颈吻合术是消化道重建的可行方法。胸骨后路径组的术后胃引流量和肺部感染发生率均低于椎前路径组。因此,对于食管癌患者的胸腔镜和腹腔镜手术,可优选考虑通过胸骨后抬高路径进行胃食管吻合术。



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