首页> 外文期刊>Western Journal of Emergency Medicine >Temperature and Violent Crime in Dallas, Texas: Relationships and Implications of Climate Change

Temperature and Violent Crime in Dallas, Texas: Relationships and Implications of Climate Change




Introduction: To investigate relationships between ambient temperatures and violent crimes to determine whether those relationships are consistent across different crime categories and whether they are best described as increasing linear functions, or as curvilinear functions that decrease beyond some temperature threshold. A secondary objective was to consider the implications of the observed relationships for injuries and deaths from violent crimes in the context of a warming climate. To address these questions, we examined the relationship between daily ambient temperatures and daily incidents of violent crime in Dallas, Texas from 1993–1999. Methods: We analyzed the relationships between daily fluctuations in ambient temperature, other meteorological and temporal variables, and rates of daily violent crime using time series piece-wise regression and plots of daily data. Violent crimes, including aggravated assault, homicide, and sexualassault, were analyzed. Results: We found that daily mean ambient temperature is related in a curvilinear fashion to daily rates of violent crime with a positive and increasing relationship between temperature and aggravated crime that moderates beyond temperatures of 80 F and then turns negative beyond 90 F. Conclusion: While some have characterized the relationship between temperature and violent crime as a continually increasing linear function, leaving open the possibility that aggravated crime will increase in a warmer climate, we conclude that the relationship in Dallas is not linear, but moderatesand turns negative at high ambient temperatures. We posit that higher temperatures may encourage people to seek shelter in cooler indoor spaces, and that street crime and other crimes of opportunity are subsequently decreased. This finding suggests that the higher ambient temperatures expected with climate change may result in marginal shifts in violent crime in the short term, but are not likely to be accompanied by markedly higher rates of violent crime and associated increased incidence of injuryand death. Additional studies are indicated, across cities at varying latitudes that experience a range of daily ambient temperatures. [West J Emerg Med. 2012;13(3):239–246.].
机译:简介:调查环境温度与暴力犯罪之间的关系,以确定这些关系在不同犯罪类别之间是否一致,以及是否最好将其描述为线性函数增加或曲线温度函数降低到某个温度阈值以上。第二个目标是考虑在气候变暖的情况下,所观察到的关系对暴力犯罪造成的伤害和死亡的影响。为了解决这些问题,我们研究了1993年至1999年在德克萨斯州达拉斯的日常环境温度与日常暴力犯罪事件之间的关系。方法:我们使用时间序列分段回归和每日数据图分析了环境温度的每日波动,其他气象和时间变量以及每日暴力犯罪率之间的关系。分析了暴力犯罪,包括加重攻击,杀人和性侵犯。结果:我们发现,每日平均环境温度以曲线形式与暴力犯罪的每日发生率相关,温度与严重犯罪之间的正相关关系与上升趋势呈正相关关系,且逐渐升高,温度超过80 F时会逐渐减弱,而超过90 F则变为负值。有些人将温度和暴力犯罪之间的关系定性为持续增加的线性函数,从而加剧了在温暖的气候下犯罪加剧的可能性,我们得出的结论是,达拉斯的关系不是线性的,而是适度的,在高环境温度下变为负值。我们认为,较高的温度可能会鼓励人们在凉爽的室内空间中寻找庇护所,街头犯罪和其他机会犯罪也随之减少。这一发现表明,气候变化带来的更高的环境温度可能会在短期内导致暴力犯罪的边际转移,但不太可能伴随着暴力犯罪发生率显着上升以及相关的伤害和死亡发生率增加。指出,在跨越不同纬度的城市中,每天经历一系列日常环境温度的其他研究。 [西急救医学杂志。 2012; 13(3):239–246。]。



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