首页> 外文期刊>Western Journal of Emergency Medicine >Psychiatric and Medical Management of Marijuana Intoxication in the Emergency Department

Psychiatric and Medical Management of Marijuana Intoxication in the Emergency Department




We use a case report to describe the acute psychiatric and medical management of marijuana intoxication in the emergency setting. A 34-year-old woman presented with erratic, disruptive behavior and psychotic symptoms after recreational ingestion of edible cannabis. She was also found to have mild hypokalemia and QT interval prolongation. Psychiatric management of cannabis psychosis involves symptomatic treatment and maintenance of safety during detoxification. Acute medical complications of marijuana use are primarily cardiovascular and respiratory in nature; electrolyte and electrocardiogram monitoring is indicated. This patient’s psychosis, hypokalemia and prolonged QTc interval resolved over two days with supportive treatment and minimal intervention in the emergency department. Patients with cannabis psychosis are at risk for further psychotic sequelae. Emergency providers may reduce this risk through appropriate diagnosis, acute treatment, and referral for outpatient care. [West J Emerg Med. 2015;16(3):414–417.].
机译:我们使用一个病例报告来描述在紧急情况下大麻中毒的急性精神病和医疗管理。一名34岁的女性在娱乐性食用大麻后出现了不稳定,破坏性行为和精神病症状。还发现她患有轻度低钾血症和QT间期延长。大麻精神病的精神病学管理涉及排毒过程中的对症治疗和维持安全性。服用大麻的急性医学并发症主要是心血管和呼吸系统疾病;指示电解质和心电图监测。该患者的精神病,低钾血症和延长的QTc间隔可在两天内通过支持治疗和对急诊科的最小干预而得到解决。大麻精神病患者有进一步精神病后遗症的风险。急救人员可以通过适当的诊断,急性治疗和转诊以降低门诊风险。 [西急救医学杂志。 2015; 16(3):414-417。]。



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