首页> 外文期刊>Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira >Serological diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis by an enzyme immunoassay using protein A in naturally infected dogs

Serological diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis by an enzyme immunoassay using protein A in naturally infected dogs




A rapid indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed for measuring antibodies against Leishmania chagasi using total antigen from lysed promastigotes. Fifty symptomatic mixed breed dogs from a region of high incidence of visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil were examined. The results showed that in the positive animals, diagnosed by cytological examination, the ELISA using protein A assay system (mean optical density ?± SD / 2.078 ?± 0.631) detected more antibodies than the anti-IgG assay (mean optical density ?± SD / 1.008 ?± 0.437), while in the negative animals, the results by both systems were similar. These results suggest that the ELISA assay using protein A peroxidase conjugated could be useful to detect early infected animals in endemic areas, and thus help to control the spread of the infection. Index terms: Leishmania chagasi, visceral leishmaniasis, protein A, dogs. RESUMO Um ensaio de imunoadsorção enzimática para detecção de anticorpos contra Leishmania chagasi, utilizando antígeno total de formas promastigotas lisados foi desenvolvido. Cinqüenta cães com sintomas clínicos de leishmaniose visceral foram examinados. Esta técnica utilizou anti-IgG de cão conjugado a peroxidase ou proteína A conjugado a peroxidase. Foi verificado que nos animais positivos diagnosticados por exame parasitológico direto o ensaio ELISA utilizando proteína A conjugada a peroxidase (média da densidade óptica ?± desvio padrão 2,078 ?± 0,631) detecta mais anticorpos do que o sistema utilizando anti-IgG de cão conjugado a peroxidase (média da densidade óptica ?± desvio padrão 1,008 ?± 0,437), enquanto para os animais negativos o resultado obtido nos dois sistemas de detecção são similares. Esse resultado sugere que o sistema de ELISA utilizando proteína A conjugado a peroxidase pode ser útil na detecção de animais na fase aguda da infecção e desta forma auxiliar na identificação dos animais positivos e no controle desta importante zoonose. Termos de indexação: Leishmania chagasi, ELISA, leishmaniose visceral, cães.     INTRODUCTION Zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis (VL), caused by both Leishmania infantum and Leishmania chagasi, represents 20% of human visceral leishmaniasis in the world (100,000 cases annually) and its incidence is growing in urban and peri-urban areas of the tropics (Dye 1996). Dogs constitute the main domestic reservoir of this parasite and play a central role in the transmission cycle of the parasite to humans by phlebotomine sand flies (Moreno & Avar 2002). The diagnosis of VL is based on the demonstration of the causative parasites in bone marrow aspirates, spleen, lymph nodes or liver biopsies by microscopy or culture (Alvar et al., 2004). The demonstration of specific serum antibodies also permits clinical confirmation, albeit indirect, diagnosis of VL (Bray 1976). Recently, molecular methods also have been used (Cortes et al. 2004). In dogs the disease symptoms include fever, hypergamma-globulinemia, hepatosplenomegaly and anemia. From the analysis of the clinical and pathological symptoms accompanying canine VL disease, two main groups of responses to infection have been evidenced in both naturally and experimentally infected dogs. Most of the infected animals are susceptible and develop active disease characterized by high anti-Leishmania antibody titers and depressed lymphoproliferative abilities, whereas a small percentage is resistant to the infection, with delayed type hypersensitivity, few, if any, specific circulating antibodies, and enhanced lymphoproliferative response. The latter group does not develop the disease or, when it does, it heals spontaneously (Abranches et al. 1991, Pinelli et al. 1994). The high levels of specific antibodies found in symptomatic animals with visceral leishmaniasis improve serological analysis and diagnosis. Several methods are used to detect specific antibodies including immunofluorescence assay (IFA), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Dot-ELISA. These methods generally show similar specificity and sensitivity (Senaldi et al. 1996, Fisa et al. 1997). Previous studies showed the binding of protein A (Staphilococcus aureus) and immunoglobulin in mammalian sera (Lindmark et al. 1983). The present work compares groups of sera using anti-IgG peroxidase conjugate and protein A from S. aureus peroxidase conjugate in an ELISA assay to detected antibodies to Leishmania chagasi in naturally infected dogs.   MATERIALS AND METHODS The antigen source was lysed promastigotes. The antigen was prepared from Leishmania chagasi promastigotes. The parasites were grown at 28?oC in RPMI 1640 (Gibco, Pisley, UK) supplemented with 100IU/ml penicillin, 100?μg/ml streptomycin, 2mM L-glutamine and
机译:建立了一种快速间接酶联免疫吸附测定法(ELISA),用于使用裂解的前鞭毛体中的总抗原来测定针对南美白痢的抗体。检查了来自巴西内脏利什曼病高发地区的五十只有症状的混合犬。结果表明,在经细胞学检查诊断为阳性的动物中,使用A蛋白测定系统(平均光密度≤±SD / 2.078≤±0.631)进行的ELISA检测的抗体多于抗IgG分析(平均光密度≤±SD)。 / 1.008±0.437),而在阴性动物中,两个系统的结果相似。这些结果表明,使用缀合的蛋白A过氧化物酶的ELISA分析可用于检测流行地区的早期感染动物,从而有助于控制感染的传播。索引词:利什曼原虫,内脏利什曼病,蛋白A,狗。利什曼原虫的抗药性,抗药性和抗药性的总和。 Cinqüentacãescom sintomasclínicosde leishmaniose内脏孔检查。 Estatécnicautilizou anti-IgG decãoconjugado a peroxidase或proteínaA conjugado a peroxidase。验证酶联免疫吸附酶联免疫吸附测定ELISA效用蛋白结合酶过氧化物酶(médiada densidadeóptica?±desviopadrão2,078?±0,631)检测到抗corposado抗体和抗氧化物酶联抗体(médiada densidadeóptica?±desviopadrão1,008?±0,437),类似结果。酶联免疫吸附测定法的结果表明,过氧化物酶的结合物在动物体内的作用没有明显的区别,在任何形式的动物体内都不能控制。 Termos deindexação:利什曼原虫,ELISA,内脏利什曼原虫,cães。引言由婴儿利什曼原虫和南美白痢利什曼原虫引起的人畜共患内脏利什曼病(VL)占世界人类内脏利什曼病的20%(每年100,000例),其发病率在热带地区的城市和近郊地区呈上升趋势(Dye 1996) )。狗构成了该寄生虫的主要家养储物,并在毒to毒蝇对人的寄生虫传播周期中起着中心作用(Moreno&Avar 2002)。 VL的诊断是基于显微镜或培养证实的在骨髓穿刺物,脾脏,淋巴结或肝活检组织中的致病性寄生虫(Alvar等,2004)。特异性血清抗体的证实,即使是间接的,也可以对VL进行临床确认(Bray 1976)。最近,还使用了分子方法(Cortes等,2004)。犬的疾病症状包括发烧,高伽玛球蛋白血症,肝脾肿大和贫血。通过对伴随犬VL的临床和病理症状的分析,在自然和实验感染的狗中,已经证实了两组主要的感染反应。大多数受感染的动物易感并发展为以利什曼原虫抗体滴度高和淋巴组织增生能力低为特征的活动性疾病,而一小部分对感染具有抵抗力,迟发型超敏反应,特异的循环抗体很少(如果有的话),并且增强淋巴增生反应。后者不会发展这种疾病,或者一旦发展起来,它就会自发地治愈(Abranches等,1991; Pinelli等,1994)。在患有内脏利什曼病的有症状动物中发现的高水平特异性抗体可改善血清学分析和诊断。几种方法可用于检测特异性抗体,包括免疫荧光测定(IFA),酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)和Dot-ELISA。这些方法通常显示出相似的特异性和敏感性(Senaldi等,1996; Fisa等,1997)。先前的研究表明蛋白A(金黄色葡萄球菌)和免疫球蛋白在哺乳动物血清中的结合(Lindmark等,1983)。本工作将使用抗IgG过氧化物酶结合物和金黄色葡萄球菌过氧化物酶结合物的蛋白A在ELISA分析中的血清组与在自然感染犬中检测到的利什曼原虫的抗体进行了比较。材料与方法抗原来源为裂解的前鞭毛体。该抗原是从利什曼原虫(Leishmania chagasi)前鞭毛体制备的。寄生虫在补充了100IU / ml青霉素,100?μg/ ml链霉素,2mM L-谷氨酰胺和



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