首页> 外文期刊>Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira >Additional information about a mange outbreak by Allopsoroptoides galli (Acari: Psoroptoididae) in commercial laying hens in the state of S?o Paulo, Brazil

Additional information about a mange outbreak by Allopsoroptoides galli (Acari: Psoroptoididae) in commercial laying hens in the state of S?o Paulo, Brazil

机译:有关在巴西圣保罗州的商业蛋鸡中,Allopsoroptoides galli(Acari:Psoroptoididae)爆发man蝇的其他信息



> size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">This paper reports additional information about a mange outbreak by the mite Allopsoroptoides galli in a commercial egg-laying hen facility in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. About half of the 76,000 multi-age birds of the flock were affected. Experimental infestations carried out on naive hens resulted in clinical signs similar to those diagnosed in naturally infested hens, such as generalized scaly dermatitis, presence of mucus-like material and yellowish crusts on the skin and around the calami, feather loss and strong unpleasant odor. About 30% drop of egg production was estimated. The possible source of infestation were wild birds identified on the ground and roofs of the sheds.
机译:> size =“ 2” face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif”>本文报告了有关螨虫 Allopsoroptoides galli 在商业鸡蛋中暴发a虫的其他信息,在巴西圣保罗州产蛋鸡设施。在该群76,000只多年龄鸟类中,约有一半受到了影响。对幼稚母鸡进行的实验性侵染导致的临床症状与自然感染的母鸡相似,例如全身性鳞状皮炎,粘液样物质和皮肤及the周围存在黄色的硬皮,羽毛脱落和强烈的难闻气味。估计产蛋量下降约30%。可能的侵扰来源是棚屋地面和屋顶上发现的野鸟。



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