首页> 外文期刊>Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira >Partial budget analysis of prepartum antimicrobial therapy and Escherichia coli J5 vaccination of dairy heifers and their effect on milk production and milk quality parameters

Partial budget analysis of prepartum antimicrobial therapy and Escherichia coli J5 vaccination of dairy heifers and their effect on milk production and milk quality parameters




: This study aimed to determine whether prepartum antimicrobial and/or Escherichia coli J5 vaccination in dairy heifers influence the milk production, milk quality, and estimate their economic benefit. Thus, 33 dairy heifers were enrolled in four groups using a split-splot design. Groups were: (G1) prepartum antimicrobial infusion and vaccination with an E. coli J5 bacterin, (G2) prepartum antimicrobial infusion, (G3) vaccination with an E. coli J5 bacterin, and (G4) control heifers. Composite milk samples for somatic cell count, total bacteria count and milk composition were collected 15 days after calving and every 15 days until the end of the experiment. Bacteriological analysis was carried out at the end of study. The milk production and the incidence of clinical cases of mastitis, as well as the costs associated with them were recorded. The results demonstrate a reduction on clinical mastitis rates by preventive strategies, which implicated in lower volume of discarded milk (0.99, 1.01, 1.04 and 3.98% for G1, G2, G3 and G4, respectively) and higher economic benefit. Thus, in well-managed dairy herds the prevention of heifer mastitis by vaccination or antimicrobial therapy can reduce the amount of antimicrobials needed to treat clinical mastitis cases and the days of discarded milk. Index Terms:??Mastitis; milk; antimicrobial treatment; vaccine; dairy cows Resumo: O presente estudo objetivou realizar uma an??lise econ?′mica do tratamento antimicrobiano no pr??-parto e/ou da vacina?§?£o com Escherihia coli J5 em novilhas leiteiras, e seu efeito sobre a produ?§?£o e qualidade de leite. Portanto, utilizou-se o delineamento split-splot em esquema fatorial, no qual 33 novilhas da ra?§a Holandesa foram divididas aleatoriamente em quatro grupos: (G1) antimicroianoterapia no pr??-parto e vacina?§?£o com E. coli J5, (G2) antimicrobianoterapia no pr??-parto, (G3) vacina?§?£o com E. coli J5 e (G4) controle. Amostras compostas de leite foram coletadas para contagem de c??lulas som??ticas, contagem bacteriana total e composi?§?£o do leite 15 dias ap?3s o parto, e a cada 15 dias at?? o t??rmino do experimento. A an??lise bacteriol?3gica do leite foi realizada ao t??rmino do experimento. A produ?§?£o de leite e a incid?ancia dos casos cl?-nicos de mastite, assim como, os custos associados ?? antimicrobianoterapia no pr??-parto e/ou vacina?§?£o com E. coli J5 foram registrados. Os resultados demonstraram redu?§?£o dos casos cl?-nicos de mastite com a implementa?§?£o das medidas preventivas resultando no menor volume de leite descartado (0,99, 1,01, 1,04 e 3,98% para os animais dos grupos G1, G2, G3 e G4, respectivemente) e maior benef?-cio econ?′mico. Desta forma, em rebanhos bem manejados, a implementa?§?£o da antimicrobianoterapia no pr??-parto e vacina?§?£o com E. coli J5 e novilhas pode reduzir a quantidade de antimicrobianos necess??rio para o tratamento de casos de mastite cl?-nica durante a lacta?§?£o, resultando em menor n?omero de dias em que o leite ?? descartado. Termos de Indexa?§?£o:??Mastite; leite; tratamento antimicrobiano; vacina; vaca leiteira Introduction Mastitis is the most costly disease for dairy farmers and the dairy industry, and although losses have been well characterized in mature cows, intramammary infections (IMIs) in primigravid heifers have been a more recent focus of study (Borm et al. 2006, Fox et al. 2009). Historically, control of mastitis has been driven primarily by economic considerations and public health (Heikkil?¤ et al. 2012, Langoni 2013). Notably, the greatest development of milk-producing tissue in the udder occurs during the first pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to protect the mammary gland from pathogenic microorganisms to ensure maximum milk production during the first lactation (Nickerson et al. 2009, Piepers et al. 2009). Unfortunately, most dairy farmers assume pre-calving heifers as uninfected. However, IMIs in heifers is not uncommon, although it does tend to be less prevalent than in older cows (Costa et al. 1996, Fox et al. 2009, Nickerson et al. 2009, Sampimon et al. 2009). IMIs in heifers have been detected as early as at the age of puberty, but the rate of new infections is higher in the last few days of pregnancy (Compton et al. 2007, Compton et al. 2009, De Vliegher et al. 2012). First-calving heifers have a higher incidence rate of clinical mastitis than older cows, with the highest rate of disease occurring in the first few days after calving (Parker et al. 2007, Compton et al. 2009, Piepers et al. 2009). In the last few decades with the improvement of subclinical mastitis control programs, which has led to herds with a lower somatic cell count (SCC), clinical mastitis has become a major problem in many well-managed dairy herds that have successfully controlled contagious pathogens (Green et al. 2004). The average cost of subclinical heifer mastitis has only been calculated once (Hujips et al. 2009), however the economic cost of clinical mastitis in
机译::本研究旨在确定奶牛小母牛的产前抗菌和/或大肠杆菌J5疫苗接种是否影响牛奶产量,牛奶质量,并估计其经济效益。因此,采用分块设计将33个乳牛小母牛分为四组。组为:(G1)产前抗菌输注和大肠杆菌J5细菌疫苗接种;(G2)产前抗微生物输注;(G3)大肠杆菌J5细菌疫苗接种;以及(G4)对照小母牛。产犊后15天和实验结束后每15天收集一次复合乳样品,用于体细胞计数,总细菌数和乳成分。在研究结束时进行细菌学分析。记录产奶量和乳腺炎临床病例的发病率,以及与之相关的费用。结果表明,通过预防策略可以降低临床乳腺炎的发生率,这可以减少废弃牛奶的量(G1,G2,G3和G4分别为0.99、1.01、1.04和3.98%)和更高的经济效益。因此,在管理良好的奶牛场中,通过疫苗接种或抗菌疗法预防小母牛乳腺炎可以减少治疗临床乳腺炎病例所需的抗菌药物的量以及减少牛奶的天数。关键词:乳腺炎;牛奶;抗菌治疗;疫苗;奶牛履历:产前抗微生物药和抗微生物药物可用于生产大肠杆菌J5 em novilhas leiteiras和seu efeito sobre a产品质量。 Portanto,Esquema面膜分割线的实用工具,没有质量合格的33 novilhas da ra?§aHolandesa foram divididas aleatoriamente em quatro grupos:(G1)抗微纤维菌病没有pr ?? parto e vacina?§?£ o com E大肠杆菌J5,(G2)抗微生物药无原代,(G3)大肠杆菌J5e(G4)对照。 Leost孔雀菌的组成部分,其组成的共生细菌总数为15粒,部分为15粒。 o t?rmino做实验。实验证明了一种普通的细菌3gica。 ???????德莱特和一个incid?ancia dos casos cl?-nicos de mastite,阿西西姆科莫,阿斯库托斯阿索西阿多斯?抗微生物制剂无原代/无疫苗/大肠杆菌J5孔注册。导致恶性肿瘤发生的原因,以及预防措施的发生率(0,99,1,01,1,04 e 3, 98%的对等动植物G1,G2,G3和G4,分别是主要受益人-社会经济人。 Desta forma,em rebanhos bem manejados,一种抗微生物药物的实施方案,大肠杆菌J5 e novilhas pode reduzir对抗微生物药物的定量要求de casos de mastite cl?-nica durante a lacta?§?£ o,resandando em menor n?omero de dias em que o leite?笛卡尔多Termos de Indexa?§£ o:马氏体; ite曲霉抗菌素;阴道简介乳腺炎是奶农和奶业最昂贵的疾病,尽管损失已在成熟的母牛中得到很好的表征,但初生小母牛的乳房内感染(IMI)已成为最近的研究重点(Borm等,2006)。 ,Fox等,2009)。从历史上看,乳腺炎的控制主要是出于经济因素和公共卫生的考虑(Heikkil?¤等人,2012; Langoni,2013)。值得注意的是,乳房中产乳组织的最大发展发生在第一次怀孕期间。因此,重要的是要保护乳腺免受病原微生物的侵害,以确保在第一次泌乳期间获得最大的产奶量(Nickerson等,2009; Piepers等,2009)。不幸的是,大多数奶农认为产犊前的母牛没有被感染。然而,尽管小母牛的IMI确实比老年母牛更不普遍(Costa等,1996; Fox等,2009; Nickerson等,2009; Sampimon等,2009)。早在青春期就已检测到小母牛的IMI,但在妊娠的最后几天新感染率更高(Compton等,2007; Compton等,2009; De Vliegher等,2012)。 。初产犊牛的临床乳腺炎发病率比年长母牛高,在产犊后的头几天发病率最高(Parker等人,2007; Compton等人,2009; Piepers等人,2009)。在过去的几十年中,随着亚临床乳腺炎控制计划的改进(导致体细胞计数(SCC)较低的牛群),临床乳腺炎已成为许多成功控制传染性病原体的管理良好的乳牛群的主要问题( Green等(2004)。亚临床小母牛乳腺炎的平均成本只计算了一次(Hujips等,2009),但是临床乳腺炎的经济成本却是



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