首页> 外文期刊>Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira >Gastrointestinal parasites of swine raised in different management systems in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Gastrointestinal parasites of swine raised in different management systems in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil




: From 2012 to 2013 were surveyed gastrointestinal parasites from pig farms located in different municpaliyies in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Fecal samples from 790 pigs were collected from the rectum on 88 family farms and 702 farms with industrial production. The samples were subjected to Faust et al., Sheather, Ritchie, Lutz and direct examination faecal techniques. The estimated parasite prevalence was 93.1% in family farms and 59.1% in industrial farms. Balantidium coli, coccidia and Entamoeba sp. were the parasites with the highest frequencies, and the male and female reproductive categories and fatteners pigs the most infected (p0.05). Trophozoites of B. coli were most evident in stool samples from semi-solid followed by solid and diarrheal consistencies. Strongyles eggs and Trichuris suis have been detected exclusively in family farms. Ascaris suum eggs and Strongyloides ransomi showed low frequency. The high degree of parasitism, especially protozoa, indicates the need to reassess the management of pigs in both types of production. Index Terms:??Gastrointestinal parasites; prevalence; pig farms; Balantidium coli; Rio de Janeiro Resumo: De 2012 a 2013 foram pesquisados parasitos gastrintestinais de su?-nos de granjas localizadas em diferentes munic?-pios do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Amostras fecais de 790 su?-nos foram coletadas da ampola retal, sendo 88 de propriedades familiares e 702 de granjas com produ?§?£o industrial. As amostras foram submetidas ??s t??cnicas de Faust et al., Sheather, Ritchie, Lutz e exame direto. A preval?ancia estimada foi de 93,1% nas granjas familiares e 59,1% nas granjas industriais. Balantidium coli, cocc?-dios e Entamoeba sp. foram os parasitos que apresentaram as maiores frequ?ancias, sendo as categorias machos e f?ameas reprodutoras e leit?μes de termina?§?£o as mais infectadas (p0,05). Trofozo?-tas de B. coli foram mais evidenciados nas amostras fecais de consist?ancias semi-s?3lida, seguida pelas fezes com consist?ancias s?3lida e diarreica. Ovos de estrongil?-deos e Trichuris suis foram detectados exclusivamente em cria?§?μes familiares. Ovos de Ascaris suum e de Strongyloides ransomi apresentaram baixa frequ?ancia. O alto grau de parasitismo, principalmente de protozo??rios, indica a necessidade de reavalia?§?£o do manejo dos su?-nos em ambos os tipos de produ?§?£o. Termos de Indexa?§?£o:??Parasitos gastrintestinais; preval?ancia; granjas de su?-nos; Balantidium coli; Rio de Janeiro Introduction Investment and research in pig farming have positioned Brazil in third and fourth place, respectively, in the ranking of world production and exports, and contributed to increased domestic supply on the world stage (Ministry of Agriculture 2013, Abipecs 2013). In this context, the states of Brazil in the Southeast (Minas Gerais, S?£o Paulo and Rio de Janeiro) currently hold about 17% of the national herd and 21% of the industrial farms (Embrapa 2011). According to estimated data from IBGE (2012), the State of Rio de Janeiro has 155,328 heads of pigs. In national herds, parasite incidence can determine common health problems at all stages of production, and is therefore a limiting factor in pig breeding establishments (Carregaro 2002). The main negative effects on animals are reflected in economic losses for producers, such as: reduced feed conversion, reduced fertility, low number of piglets born and weaned, low weight piglets at birth and at weaning, as well as losses relating to viscera of high condemnation rate in slaughterhouses (Bordin 1987, Nansen & Roepstorff 1999, Roepstorff et al. 1998). In addition, pigs are considered the main reservoir of Balantidium coli and Entamoeba polecki, which can infect humans, especially farm laborers (Solaymani-Mohammadi & Petri Jr 2006). Studies in different countries have reported a high prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in pigs produced mainly in intensive systems, industrial farms, with fewer parasitic frequency reports in animals produced in family systems. In France, Beloeil et al. (2003) detected nematodes, such as Trichuris suis and strongyles in five intensive production pig farms. In 3636 fecal samples from pigs reared on farms with an intensive production system in Guangdong Province, China, Weng et al. (2005) detected 47.5% of positivity for B. coli as well as, T. suis (5.7%), Ascaris suum (5.2%), strongyles (2.5%) and coccidia (24.9%). Also in China, the city of Chongqing, Lai et al. (2011) estimated the prevalence of intestinal parasites in pig breeding establishments with intensive and extensive system and is evidenced frequencies for A. suum (12.18%), T. suis (10.13%), Oesophagostomum spp. (10.13%), Eimeria spp. (16.53%), Cystoisospora suis (5.02%), Cryptosporidium spp. (6.60%) and cysts of B. coli (22.7%). Uysal et al. (2009) detected with zoonotic potential parasites such as Giardia lamblia (3.7%), Cryptosporidium spp. (8.8%) and B. coli (1.6%) in pig feces of different age groups in Istanb
机译::2012年至2013年,对里约热内卢州不同城市的养猪场的胃肠道寄生虫进行了调查。从88个家庭农场和702个工业化生产农场的直肠中收集了790头猪的粪便样本。样品接受了Faust等人的Sheather,Ritchie,Lutz和直接检查粪便的技术。据估计,家庭农场的寄生虫患病率为93.1%,工业农场的寄生虫患病率为59.1%。 Balantidium coli,球菌和Entamoeba sp。是感染率最高的寄生虫,雄性和雌性生殖类别和育肥猪感染最多(p <0.05)。大肠杆菌的滋养体在半固体粪便样本中最为明显,其次是固体和腹泻。仅在家庭农场中检测到了青霉菌卵和Trichuris suis。 scar虫的卵和Strongyloides ransomi显示出低频率。高度寄生虫,尤其是原生动物,表明需要重新评估两种生产方式中的猪的管理。索引词:胃肠道寄生虫;患病率养猪场;大肠杆菌里约热内卢简历:2012年,2013年2013年度pesquisados parasitos gastrintestinais de su?-nos de granjas localizadas em diferentes munic? Amostras fecais de 790 su?-nos foram coletadas da ampola retal,sendo 88 depropriedades熟悉e 702 de granjas com produ?§£ o工业。作为孔雀科的亚纲的浮游生物,Faust等人,Sheather,Ritchie,Lutz e exeto direto。 93.1%的美国鼻鼻祖患病率约为59.1%的美国鼻鼻祖。 Balantidium coli,cocc?-dios e Entamoeba sp。代表寄生虫的形式,作为寄生虫的分类为雄性传染病(p <0,05)。 Trofozo?-tas de B. coli孔雀菌和半月球菌组成,Seguida pelas fezes com contains?ancias s?3lida e diarreica。熟悉的人种Trichoris suis foram的发现。猪A虫的强壮性。印第安人原住民自治组织的上等寄生虫还是印第安纳州的必需品??????????????????? Termos de Indexa?§£ o:Parasitos胃肠炎;流行病格兰哈斯德苏吗?大肠杆菌里约热内卢简介养猪业的投资和研究使巴西在世界生产和出口排名中分别位居第三和第四位,并为世界舞台上的国内供应增加做出了贡献(农业部,2013; Apepecs,2013)。在这种情况下,巴西东南部各州(米纳斯吉拉斯州,圣保罗和里约热内卢)目前拥有约17%的国家畜群和21%的工业农场(Embrapa 2011)。根据IBGE(2012)的估计数据,里约热内卢州有155328头猪。在国家牛群中,寄生虫的发病率可以决定生产各个阶段的常见健康问题,因此是养猪场的一个限制因素(Carregaro 2002)。对动物的主要负面影响反映在生产者的经济损失上,例如:饲料转化率降低,生育力降低,出生和断奶的仔猪数量少,出生和断奶时体重低的仔猪以及与高内脏有关的损失屠宰场的定罪率(Bordin 1987,Nansen&Roepstorff 1999,Roepstorff等1998)。此外,猪被认为是Balantidium coli和Entamoeba polecki的主要储存库,它们可以感染人类,尤其是农场劳动者(Solaymani-Mohammadi&Petri Jr 2006)。在不同国家进行的研究表明,主要在集约化系统,工业农场生产的猪中,胃肠道寄生虫的患病率很高,而在家庭系统中生产的动物中,寄生虫频率的报告则较少。在法国,Beloeil等人。 (2003年)在五个集约化养猪场中检测到线虫,如猪毛chu虫(Trichuris suis)和铜霉菌。在中国广东省具有集约化生产系统的农场饲养的猪中,有3636个粪便样品,翁等人。 (2005年)检测到的47.5%的阳性菌为B. coli以及猪链球菌(5.7%),is虫(5.2%),铜霉菌(2.5%)和球菌(24.9%)。同样在中国,重庆等城市。 (2011年)估计了集约化和广泛化系统的猪繁殖场所中肠道寄生虫的患病率,并证明了A. suum(12.18%),T。suis(10.13%),Oesophagostomum spp的发生频率。 (10.13%),艾美球虫属。 (16.53%),猪圆孢菌(5.02%),隐孢子虫。 (6.60%)和B. coli囊肿(22.7%)。 Uysal等。 (2009年)检测到具有人畜共患病的潜在寄生虫,如贾第鞭毛虫(3.7%),隐孢子虫。伊斯坦布(Istanb)不同年龄组的猪粪中(8.8%)和大肠杆菌(1.6%)


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