首页> 外文期刊>Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira >Natural poisoning by Solanum glaucophyllum(Solanaceae) in buffaloes in the Brazilian Pantanal

Natural poisoning by Solanum glaucophyllum(Solanaceae) in buffaloes in the Brazilian Pantanal




> face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">This report describes the occurrence of enzootic calcinosis in buffaloes in the municipality of Pocone, Mato Grosso, due to the consumption of Solanum glaucophyllum (Sg) [=Solanum malacoxylon]. The cases were observed in the years 2007 and 2009. In a herd of 40 buffaloes, five showed weight loss, arched back, stiff gait, sometimes difficulty to raise and walk, and leaning on the carpus. Three buffaloes recovered partially and two were euthanized in extremis. The main necropsy findings were calcification of soft tissues, especially of large and medium arteries. The presence of S. glaucophyllum in the pasture, clinical signs, in addition to the sonographic and pathologic calcification involving tendons and other tissues, are consistent with Solanum glaucophyllum poisoning.
机译:> face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif” size =“ 2”>该报告描述了由于食用 Solanum glaucophyllum(Sg)[= Solanum malacoxylon] 。在2007年和2009年观察到了这些病例。在一群40只水牛中,有5只体重减轻,向后拱起,步态僵硬,有时难以举起和行走以及靠在腕骨上。三只水牛部分康复,其中两只在肢端安乐死。尸检的主要结果是软组织的钙化,特别是大中动脉的钙化。 S的存在。青光眼在牧场中,除了涉及肌腱和其他组织的超声和病理钙化外,临床体征还与茄子青光眼中毒相一致。



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