首页> 外文期刊>Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira >Postmortem findings in collared peccaries raised in captivity in northeastern Brazil

Postmortem findings in collared peccaries raised in captivity in northeastern Brazil




> size="2" face="Verdana">This study is a retrospective examination of diseases in collared peccaries that were diagnosed by the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory, Universidade Federal Rural do Semiárido. Necropsy and histological examination were performed from 2005 to 2010. Of the 50 necropsied collared peccaries, 24% died due to restraint and capture myopathy; 18% died from trauma; and the remainder was diagnosed with splenic hemangioma (6%), enterolithiasis (6%), gastritis (6%), gastric ulcer (4%), intestinal volvulus (4%), gastric volvulus (2%), mammary carcinoma (2%), polycystic kidney disease (2%), pyometra (2%), and suppurative bronchopneumonia (2%). Twelve animals remained undiagnosed, seven of which (14%) were in advanced autolytic condition and five of which (10%) had no gross or microscopic lesions that were compatible with disease. This paper describes illnesses that have not been reported in the collared peccary, focusing on their clinical and pathological aspects.
机译:> size =“ 2” face =“ Verdana”>这项研究是回顾性检查由塞米纳里多联邦农村大学兽医病理学实验室诊断的领领兽的疾病。从2005年至2010年进行了尸检和组织学检查。在50例尸检领颈猫的尸体中,有24%因束缚和捕获肌病而死亡。 18%因外伤死亡;其余被诊断为脾血管瘤(6%),小肠结石症(6%),胃炎(6%),胃溃疡(4%),肠肠扭转(4%),胃肠扭转(2%),乳腺癌(2 %),多囊肾疾病(2%),脓疱病(2%)和化脓性支气管肺炎(2%)。仍未诊断出十二只动物,其中七只(14%)处于晚期自溶状态,其中五只(10%)没有与疾病相适应的肉眼或微观病变。本文从临床和病理方面着手,介绍了衣领时期尚未报道的疾病。



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