首页> 外文期刊>Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira >Control of leptospirosis in dairy cattle with autogenous vaccine in Santo Ant?nio do Monte, MG, Brazil

Control of leptospirosis in dairy cattle with autogenous vaccine in Santo Ant?nio do Monte, MG, Brazil

机译:巴西MG Santo Ant?nio do Monte,使用自体疫苗控制奶牛钩端螺旋体病



An outbreak of leptospirosis in dairy cattle was observed in Santo Antonio do Monte, Minas Gerais. The herd had positive reactions in anti-Leptospira serovar Hardjo agglutination test (MAT) and had been previously vaccinated with a vaccine containing serovars Hardjo. The MAT showed 48.06% of cattle positive for serovars Hardjo genotype Hardjobovis, 36.82% for serovars Hardjo genotype Hardjoprajitno. The animals had abortions and mastitis with blood in the milk. This study aimed to isolate the existing serovars from the urine of serologically positive cows, produce an experimental vaccine with the serovars isolated in the herd, evaluating the effectiveness of the vaccination program for a period of two years through the herd serology. Leptospira spp. was isolated from the urine of two cows with signs suggestive of the disease. The strains were identified by serology with monoclonal antibodies and 16S rRNA gene sequencing as belonging to the Leptospira interrogans species Sejroe serogroup Hardjo serovars and Hardjoprajitno genotype. Use of the autochthonous vaccine was effective in leptospirosis controlling in the herd in two years. The serology results showed the absence of positive animals in the last race held in the herd. Index
机译:在米纳斯吉拉斯州的圣安东尼奥·多·蒙特市观察到奶牛钩端螺旋体病暴发。牛群在抗钩端螺旋体血清型Hardjo凝集试验(MAT)中有阳性反应,并且先前已经接种了含有血清型Hardjo的疫苗。 MAT显示,血清型Hardjo基因型Hardjobovis的牛为48.06%,血清型Hardjo基因型Hardjoprajitno的牛为36.82%。这些动物流产和乳腺炎,牛奶中有血。这项研究的目的是从血清学呈阳性的母牛的尿液中分离出现有的血清型,用牛群中分离出的血清生产一种实验性疫苗,并通过牛群血清学评估疫苗接种计划在两年内的有效性。钩端螺旋体从两头母牛的尿液中分离出来,有迹象表明该病。通过单克隆抗体和16S rRNA基因测序的血清学鉴定菌株,属于问号钩端螺旋体血清型Hardjo血清型和Hardjoprajitno基因型。在两年内,使用本地疫苗在控制猪钩端螺旋体病方面很有效。血清学结果表明,在畜群的最后一场比赛中没有阳性动物。指数



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