首页> 外文期刊>Water >Integration of a Hydrological Model within a Geographical Information System: Application to a Forest Watershed

Integration of a Hydrological Model within a Geographical Information System: Application to a Forest Watershed




Watershed simulation software used for operational purposes must possess both dependability of results and flexibility in parameter selection and testing. The UBC watershed model (UBCWM) contains a wide spectrum of parameters expressing meteorological, geological, as well as ecological watershed characteristics. The hydrological model was coupled to the MapInfo GIS and the software created was named Watershed Mapper (WM). WM is endowed with several features permitting operational utilization. These include input data and basin geometry visualization, land use/cover and soil simulation, exporting of statistical results and thematic maps and interactive variation of disputed parameters. For the application of WM two hypothetical scenarios of forest fires were examined in a study watershed. Four major rainfall events were selected from 12-year daily precipitation data and the corresponding peak flows were estimated for the base line data and hypothetical scenarios. A significant increase was observed as an impact of forest fires on peak flows. Due to its flexibility the combined tool described herein may be utilized in modeling long-term hydrological changes in the context of unsteady hydrological analyses.
机译:用于操作目的的分水岭模拟软件必须既具有结果的可靠性,又具有参数选择和测试的灵活性。 UBC流域模型(UBCWM)包含表达气象,地质以及生态流域特征的各种参数。水文模型与MapInfo GIS耦合,创建的软件名为Watershed Mapper(WM)。 WM具有多种功能,可用于运营。这些包括输入数据和流域几何图形可视化,土地使用/覆盖和土壤模拟,统计结果和专题图的导出以及有争议的参数的交互变化。对于WM的应用,在研究分水岭中研究了两种假设的森林火灾场景。从12年的每日降水数据中选择了四个主要的降雨事件,并针对基线数据和假设情景估计了相应的峰值流量。观察到森林火灾对高峰流量的影响显着增加。由于其灵活性,本文所述的组合工具可用于在不稳定水文分析的情况下对长期水文变化进行建模。



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