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Assessment of the Exposure of People to Questing Ticks Carrying Agents of Zoonoses in Aosta Valley, Italy




We estimated the probability of exposure of people to questing ticks, infected with bacterial agents of the tick—borne zoonoses—in Aosta Valley, western Alps, Italy. We collected ticks by dragging, and from collectors’ clothes in three hiking trails, which were divided into an internal path, with short vegetation, and an external part with taller grass. Dragging yielded 285 Ixodes ricinus nymphs and 31 adults, and two Dermacentor marginatus adults. Eleven I. ricinus nymphs and 9 adults were collected from collectors’ clothes. Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. was identified by PCR in 12 out of 30 I. ricinus nymphs (prevalence = 40.0%, 95% confidence interval = 22.5, 57.5). The prevalence of infection by Rickettsia spp. was 13.3% (95% CI = 1.2, 25.5). The probability of encountering at least one questing I. ricinus infected by each bacterial agent (probability of exposure, E ) in 100 m 2 was obtained by combining the number of collected nymphs, the prevalence of infection by each bacterial agent, the frequency of passage by visitors, and the probability of tick attachment to people. The mean number of nymphs collected by dragging was greatest in the internal part of hiking trails (mean = 7.9). Conversely, E was greater in the external part (up to 0.14 for B. burgdorferi s.l., and 0.07 for Rickettsia spp.), due to a greater probability of tick attachment to people in relatively tall vegetation.
机译:我们估计了在意大利西部阿尔卑斯山的奥斯塔山谷中,人们感染被the的细菌性病原体(即人畜共患的人畜)感染的的可能性。我们通过拖拉收集tick虫,并在三条远足径中从收集者的衣服中收集了tick虫,这些远足径被分为一条内部路径,植被矮小和一条外部高草丛生的小径。拖曳产生285只蓖麻x若虫和31只成虫,以及两名Dermacentor marginatus成虫。从收藏家的衣服中收集了11头蓖麻若虫和9只成虫。伯氏疏螺旋体在30个蓖麻若虫中有12个通过PCR鉴定(流行率= 40.0%,95%置信区间= 22.5,57.5)。立克次体属的感染率。为13.3%(95%CI = 1.2,25.5)。通过将收集到的若虫数量,每种细菌的感染率,传代频率结合起来,可以得出在100 m 2中遇到至少一种被每种细菌感染的蓖麻毒素的可能性(接触概率,E)。访客的访问量以及与人打勾的可能性。通过拖拽收集到的若虫的平均数量在远足径的内部最大(平均值= 7.9)。相反,在外部,E较高(B. burgdorferi s.l.最高为0.14,Rickettsia spp。最高为0.07),这是因为tick虫附着在较高植被中的人的可能性更大。



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