首页> 外文期刊>Verbum et Ecclesia >?So they do not profit this people at all? (Jr 23:32). A critique of prophecy

?So they do not profit this people at all? (Jr 23:32). A critique of prophecy

机译:因此,他们根本不会从这个人身上获利吗? (耶23:32)。对预言的批判



Jeremiah 23:9?40 is a section of the Bible that is dedicated to the issue of true and false prophets. This section follows the cycle of the kings in Jeremiah 21:1?23:8. Both these cycles form part of an editorial unit 21:1?24:10. The kings and the prophets, along with the priests constituted the leadership in Israelite society. The view presented in 21:1?23:40 is that of a failed leadership and the result was the Babylonian exile. In this article the focus is on the prophets who are regarded as false. Jeremiah 23:9?40 is a collection of oracles ascribed to Jeremiah by tradition. In most instances the oracles are of a general nature and lack contextual concreteness. The literary context created by the compilers of 21:1?23:40 is essential to the argument presented in this article. According to Jeremiah 23:32 the false prophets ?? do not profit the people at all? (New Revised Standard Version of the Bible [NRSV]). The line of reasoning in this article will be that, as religious leaders, prophets should benefit the people. In the context of 21:1?23:40 they had failed to do this. If the prophets had been in proper communication with Yahweh, they would not have misled the people. From the point of view of the collectors, most probably in an exilic context, the message is clear: the prophets have failed the people, the exile is a reality, and there is no longer any room for false prophets. Jeremiah 23:25?32 makes it clear that, if prophetic words do not profit Yahweh?s people, they should be regarded as false and misleading.The passage for discussion in this article is Jeremiah 23:25?32. The very last sentence in this passage (v. 32) seems to be the culminating point of the complaint against the opposing prophets: ?so they do not profit this people at all?. The purpose of this article is to address this issue of prophets benefiting the ordinary people. From this final sentence one can conclude that one of the marks of a true prophet is that ordinary people should benefit from his performance as a prophet. The question will be, ?What can a prophet contribute to society that will benefit the people?? If we ask this question in the current context, the highlighting of the negative aspect of the prophets will guide us to what the expectation of the writer (prophet) was. Prophets, according to the classical definition of their function, are supposed to communicate to people the messages they receive from Yahweh (Redditt 2008:6; cf. also Blenkinsopp 1996:28?30).1 In verse 28 of the passage under discussion Yahweh says: ?? let the one who has my word speak my word faithfully? (NRSV). The role of the prophets is to act as channels of communication between Yahweh and the people. Yahweh sends his messages to his covenant people through the prophets he has commissioned for this purpose.
机译:耶利米书23:9?40是圣经中专门讨论真假先知的部分。本节跟随耶利米书21:1?23:8中国王的循环。这两个周期构成编辑单元21:1?24:10的一部分。国王和先知与祭司一起构成了以色列社会的领导者。 21:1?23:40提出的观点是领导失败的结果,其结果是巴比伦流亡。在本文中,重点是被视为假的先知。耶利米书23:9-40是传统上归因于耶利米的神谕的集合。在大多数情况下,预言家具有一般性,缺乏上下文具体性。由21:1?23:40的编译器创建的文学上下文对于本文提出的论点至关重要。根据耶利米书23:32,假先知??根本不赚钱吗? (圣经的新修订标准版[NRSV])。本文的推理思路是,作为宗教领袖,先知应该使人民受益。在21:1?23:40的背景下,他们没有做到这一点。如果先知与耶和华适当地沟通,他们就不会误导人民。从收藏家的角度来看,这很可能是在流亡的情况下传达的信息很明确:先知使人民失败,流亡是现实,不再有虚假先知的余地。耶利米书23:25?32清楚地表明,如果预言不能使耶和华的子民受益,他们应被视为虚假和误导。本文的讨论段落是耶利米书23:25?32。在这段经文中的最后一句话(第32节)似乎是对反对先知的抱怨的最高点:“所以他们根本没有使这个人受益”。本文的目的是解决使普通百姓受益的先知这一问题。从最后一句话可以得出结论,一个真正的先知的标志之一就是普通百姓应该从他作为先知的表现中受益。问题将是:“先知能为社会造福于人民吗?”如果我们在当前情况下问这个问题,先知负面方面的强调将引导我们了解作者(先知)的期望。先知根据其职能的经典定义,应该向人们传达他们从耶和华那里得到的信息(Redditt 2008:6;也参见Blenkinsopp 1996:28?30)。1在所讨论段落的第28节中说:让说我话的人忠实地讲我的话吗? (NRSV)。先知的作用是充当耶和华与人民之间的沟通渠道。耶和华通过他为此目的委托的先知,向他的约民传达信息。



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