首页> 外文期刊>Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences >A detailed evaluation of the skeletal elements of the skull in the grey heron (Ardea cinerea)

A detailed evaluation of the skeletal elements of the skull in the grey heron (Ardea cinerea)




This study was designed to reveal, in detail, the features of the skull bones in the grey heron, a species of the family Ardeidae, and to compare the findings with previous related literature reports and with Nomina Anatomica Avium. The articulation between the nasal and frontal bones was observed to be through the movable frontonasal joint. The upper beak fused with the neurocranium via this joint and with the palatine and vomer. It was also bound indirectly through the zygomatic bone articulating with the quadrate bone. The frontal bone possessed the frontal depression dorsally. Wideness of the frontal bone and supranasal pila seemed to be unique for the grey heron. The quadrate bone was observed to play a primary role in the beak action. No medial process was present in the mandible.Overall, the results hereby indicate that the wider jaw opening and sharp and pointed nature of the beaks in the grey heron enable it to feed on such creatures as fish, frogs, and crustaceans.
机译:这项研究旨在详细揭示灰鹭(鹭科(Ardeidae)的一个物种)的颅骨特征,并将其发现与以前的相关文献报道和《解剖学名册》(Nomina Anatomica Avium)进行比较。鼻骨和额骨之间的关节被观察到是通过可移动的额鼻关节。上喙通过该关节与神经颅以及ala骨和犁骨融合。它也通过through骨与方形骨的连接而间接地结合在一起。额骨背侧具有额骨凹陷。对于苍鹭来说,额骨和胸上肌的宽度似乎是独一无二的。观察到方形骨在喙动作中起主要作用。下颌骨没有中间过程。总的来说,结果表明,下颚的张开更宽,灰鹭喙的尖锐尖锐的性质使其能够以鱼类,青蛙和甲壳类动物为食。



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