首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Conservation Science >Importance of Large, Old Primary Forest Trees in Nest-Site Selection by the Northern Mealy Amazon ( Amazona guatemalae )

Importance of Large, Old Primary Forest Trees in Nest-Site Selection by the Northern Mealy Amazon ( Amazona guatemalae )

机译:北Mealy Amazon(Amazona guatemalae)在巢址选择中使用大型,古老的原始林木的重要性



The increasing conversion of primary tropical moist forest to secondary forest may have consequences for threatened, large-bodied cavity-nesters, such as the Northern Mealy Amazon (Amazona guatemalae). We determined availability and characteristics of tree-cavities in 24 1-ha survey plots in Los Chimalapas, southeast Mexico, with 9 plots in evergreen forest, 7 in riparian, and 8 in secondary forest. We compared these with 40 parrot nest-trees to determine whether parrots select cavities with specific characteristics for nesting. Over half of Northern Mealy Amazon nests occurred in live trees of Terminalia amazonia (32.5%) and Dialium guianense (20%). Compared with available cavities, the Northern Mealy Amazon selected nest-cavities in significantly larger trees, at a greater height above the ground, with larger internal diameter, and greater depth. In particular, internal diameter and cavity depth predicted whether a cavity was selected as a nest-site by parrots. We found a low density of 2.3 available cavities/ha in the study site, although only 1.6 cavities/ha had characteristics suitable for use as nest-sites by parrots. Cavities in secondary forest occurred in smaller trees, at a lower height, and with shallower depth, where only 0.75 cavities/ha were suitable for nesting by parrots. Our results demonstrate that the Northern Mealy Amazon requires nest-cavities in large, old trees able to form large cavities, the majority of which occur in primary forest. The low density of suitable nest-sites for parrots in secondary forest suggests that increased degradation of primary tropical moist forest may have long-term implications for reproduction of this threatened species.
机译:原始热带湿润森林向次生森林的转化日益增加,可能会对北部Mealy Amazon(危地马拉亚马逊河)等受威胁的大腔腔虫造成影响。我们确定了墨西哥东南部Los Chimalapas的24个1公顷调查用地中树木洞的可用性和特征,其中常绿森林中有9个土地,河岸中有7个土地,次生森林中有8个土地。我们将它们与40个鹦鹉巢树进行了比较,以确定鹦鹉是否选择具有特定特征的空腔进行嵌套。北部一半以上的亚马逊河巢产于榄仁(32.5%)和桂皮(20%)的活树中。与可用空洞相比,北米亚河亚马逊地区选择了大得多的树木中的空洞,这些树木在离地面更高的高度,更大的内径和更大的深度。特别是,内径和空腔深度可预测鹦鹉是否选择了空腔作为巢穴。尽管只有1.6个洞/公顷具有适合用作鹦鹉筑巢地点的特征,但我们在研究地点发现了2.3个可用洞/公顷的低密度。次生林中的空洞发生在较小的树中,高度较低,深度较浅,仅0.75洞/公顷适合通过鹦鹉筑巢。我们的研究结果表明,北部米利亚河亚马逊地区需要在大型的老树上形成巢穴,这些树必须能够形成大型的蛀牙,其中大部分发生在原始森林中。次生林中适合鹦鹉栖息的地点密度低,这说明主要热带湿润森林退化的加剧可能对该受威胁物种的繁殖产生长期影响。



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