首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Conservation Science >Invasive House (Rattus Rattus) and Brown Rats (Rattus Norvegicus) Threaten the Viability of Red-Billed Tropicbird (Phaethon Aethereus) in Abrolhos National Park, Brazil

Invasive House (Rattus Rattus) and Brown Rats (Rattus Norvegicus) Threaten the Viability of Red-Billed Tropicbird (Phaethon Aethereus) in Abrolhos National Park, Brazil

机译:侵袭性家禽(Rattus Rattus)和棕鼠(Rattus Norvegicus)威胁了巴西阿伯罗霍斯国家公园红嘴热带鸟(Phaethon Aethereus)的生存能力



Destruction of nests and predation by introduced species are among the main factors responsible for seabird declines. The red-billed tropicbird (Phaethon aethereus) is a tropical, colonially nesting seabird whose distribution in Brazil is restricted to a small, isolated breeding colony located within Abrolhos National Park. This represents the southernmost population of the species in the western Atlantic, and is among the most southerly in its global distribution. Despite its isolation, the population on Abrolhos is threatened by egg predation by two invasive rat species: the house rat (Rattus rattus) and brown rat (Rattus norvegicus). In this study we conduct a population viability analysis of P. aethereus in Abrolhos to estimate the potential long term impacts of the rats. Our results indicate that egg and chick predation by rats has the potential to quickly drive the Abrolhos tropicbird population into serious decline. Reducing this threat may require the urgent implementation of a rat control program.
机译:造成巢穴破坏和外来物种捕食是造成海鸟数量下降的主要因素。红嘴热带鸟(Phaethon aethereus)是一种热带的,殖民地筑巢的海鸟,其在巴西的分布仅限于位于Abrolhos国家公园内的一个孤立的小型繁殖地。这代表了该物种在西大西洋的最南端,也是全球分布最南端的物种之一。尽管被隔离,但两种侵入性鼠类物种对卵的捕食仍威胁着Abrolhos上的种群:家鼠(Rattus rattus)和褐鼠(Rattus norvegicus)。在这项研究中,我们对Abrolhos中的Pether aethereus进行种群生存力分析,以估计大鼠的潜在长期影响。我们的结果表明,老鼠捕食卵和雏鸡有可能迅速使Abrolhos tropicbird种群严重减少。为减少这种威胁,可能需要紧急实施老鼠控制程序。



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