首页> 外文期刊>Univerzitet u Beogradu. Sumarski Fakultet. Glasnik >Tree species richness as the element of structure and diversity in mixed stands of beech and valuable broadleaves

Tree species richness as the element of structure and diversity in mixed stands of beech and valuable broadleaves




In our forest science and forest operations, the tree species richness and diversity of woody species in forest stands are most often evaluated based on the total number of tree species, which is a methodologically partly inadequate approach. For this reason, the quantification and the evaluation of diversity of woody species in mixed forests of beech with valuable broadleaves in the area of the National Park ??erdap” were analyzed by five different indices of tree species richness: number of species (S index), two indices of the species richness (R1 and R2), expected number of species in the sample with equal numbers of trees (E(S84)), and expected number of species in the sample with equal areas (E(S0,25ha)). The results showed that the level of woody species diversity in forest stands depended on the applied index characterizing the tree species richness. It was concluded that the tree species richness and diversity were the highest in the stands of ecological unit B (E(S84)=8.6 species) and in the stands of ecological unit G (E(S0,25ha)=9.4 species), and they were the lowest in the stands of ecological unit V (E(S84)=5.8 species, E(S0,25ha)=5.5 species).
机译:在我们的森林科学和森林作业中,最常根据林木种总数评估林分中林木种的丰富度和木本植物多样性,这在方法上是部分不足的方法。因此,通过五种不同的树种丰富度指标,对五种不同的树种丰富度指标进行了定量分析和评价,其中包括榉木和珍贵阔叶林的山毛榉混交林中的木本物种多样性。 ),物种丰富度的两个指标(R1和R2),具有相等树木数量的样本中的期望物种数(E(S84))和具有相等面积的样本中的预期物种数(E(S0,25ha ))。结果表明,林分中木本物种多样性的水平取决于表征树木物种丰富度的应用指标。得出的结论是,在生态单元B(E(S84)= 8.6种)和生态单元G(E(S0,25ha)= 9.4种)的林分中,树种的丰富度和多样性最高。它们是生态单元V的林分中最低的(E(S84)= 5.8种,E(S0,25ha)= 5.5种)。



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