首页> 外文期刊>Tobacco Induced Diseases >Media advocacy for building support for taxation of all tobacco products at the highest rate under the new Goods & Service Tax (GST) regime

Media advocacy for building support for taxation of all tobacco products at the highest rate under the new Goods & Service Tax (GST) regime




Background and challenges to implementation: Article 6 of the FCTC enlists price and tax measures as an essential strategy for reducing demand for tobacco products. Raising taxes on tobacco is the single most effective way to encourage tobacco users to quit and prevent youth from starting tobacco use. Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a new system of taxation in India aims to streamline the taxation structure in the country and replace the complete range of indirect taxes with a singular GST to simplify the taxation procedure. Tobacco products should be subjected to the highest level of tax under GST (28% + cess) with no segmentation. Intervention or response: VHAI engaged the media through press releases, Op-eds and keeping the media updated with the developments happening at policy level. One to one interactions were held with the journalists covering health and financial news. Social media was used as a tool for outreach through twitter and Facebook. Results and lessons learnt: Over 563 earned media stories on GST generated by VHAI during the period from March 2016 - June 2017. Timely Op-Eds in key national dailies on tobacco taxation, media outreach nationwide for higher taxes and cess on tobacco covered in all the national dailies and 13 vernaculars. As a result, tobacco is taxed at the highest demerit rate of 28% + Cess. Conclusions and key recommendations: Keeping the tobacco products at the highest GST rate - 28 percent plus higher cess will have a major impact on the prices of the tobacco products which will encourage users to quit and youth from taking up this habit.
机译:实施的背景和挑战:《公约》第6条将价格和税收措施列为减少烟草制品需求的基本战略。提高烟草税是鼓励烟草使用者戒烟并阻止青少年开始吸烟的最有效方法。货物和服务税(GST)是印度的一种新税收系统,旨在简化该国的税收结构,并用单一的GST代替全部间接税,以简化税收程序。烟草产品应按商品及服务税(GST)征收最高税率(28%+税),且不得细分。干预或回应:VHAI通过发布新闻稿,专着来吸引媒体,并使媒体随时了解政策层面的事态发展。与记者进行了一对一的互动,涉及健康和财经新闻。社交媒体被用作通过Twitter和Facebook进行宣传的工具。汲取的结果和经验教训:在2016年3月至2017年6月期间,VHAI赢得了563篇有关GST的媒体报道。及时在关键国家日报上发表关于烟草税收的Op-Eds,在全国范围内开展媒体宣传以提高税收和对所有烟草进行征税全国性的日报和13部白话书。结果,对烟草征收的最高扣税率为28%+ Cess。结论和主要建议:将烟草产品的商品及服务税率保持在最高水平-28%以及更高的税率将对烟草产品的价格产生重大影响,这将鼓励使用者戒烟,并鼓励年轻人养成这种习惯。



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