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Colchicine intoxication: a report of two suicide cases




Colchicine, an old and well-known drug, is an alkaloid extracted from Colchicum autumnale and related species. Colchicine inhibits the deposition of uric acid crystals and is an inhibitor of mitosis. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea, with a massive loss of fluid and electrolytes are the first clinical symptoms of colchicine poisoning. Stomach lavage and rapid gastric decontamination with activated charcoal are crucial. An acute dose of about 0.8 mg/kg of colchicine is presumed to be fatal. We report the clinical outcomes of two different cases of colchicine intoxication for attempted suicide. The dose required for morbidity or mortality varies significantly. The dose of 1 mg/kg in the first case was directly related with mortality, while the dose of 0.2 mg/kg in the second was related with survival. The other difference between the patients was the time of arrival to hospital after ingestion. This period was 4 hours for case 1 and only 1, hour for case 2. The initiation of treatment later than 2 hours after ingestion of colchicine may significantly impair treatment because the absorption time for colchicine after oral administration is about 30–120 minutes. The rising lactate level and high anion gap metabolic acidosis in our patient (case 1) were attributed to lactic acidosis, so hemodialysis was performed, and the duration of hemodialysis was prolonged. Lactic acidosis in the first case was one of the reasons for mortality. The most important parameters which define the chance of survival are the dose of ingested drugs and the arrival time to hospital after ingestion. The patients must be monitored closely for lactic acidosis and the decision to start hemodialysis must be made promptly for patients who develop lactic acidosis.
机译:秋水仙碱是一种古老而著名的药物,是一种从秋水仙秋水仙属及其相关物种中提取的生物碱。秋水仙碱抑制尿酸晶体的沉积,并且是有丝分裂的抑制剂。秋水仙碱中毒的首个临床症状是恶心,呕吐,腹痛和腹泻,大量水分和电解质流失。洗胃和用活性炭快速进行胃部去污至关重要。大约0.8 mg / kg秋水仙碱的急性剂量被认为是致命的。我们报告了两种企图自杀的秋水仙碱中毒病例的临床结局。发病或死亡所需的剂量差异很大。第一种情况下的1 mg / kg剂量与死亡率直接相关,而第二种情况下的0.2 mg / kg剂量与生存率直接相关。患者之间的另一个区别是摄入后到达医院的时间。病例1的这段时间为4小时,病例2的只有1小时。由于口服口服秋水仙碱的吸收时间约为30-120分钟,因此在摄入秋水仙碱后2小时之后开始治疗可能会严重影响治疗。本例患者(病例1)的乳酸水平升高和阴离子间隙代谢性酸中毒高归因于乳酸性酸中毒,因此进行了血液透析,并延长了血液透析的时间。第一例乳酸性酸中毒是死亡的原因之一。定义生存机会的最重要参数是摄入的药物剂量和摄入后到医院的到达时间。必须密切监测患者的乳酸性酸中毒,对于患有乳酸性酸中毒的患者,必须迅速做出开始血液透析的决定。



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