首页> 外文期刊>The Plant Genome >Foliar Glyphosate Treatment Alters Transcript and Hormone Profiles in Crown Buds of Leafy Spurge and Induces Dwarfed and Bushy Phenotypes throughout its Perennial Lifecycle

Foliar Glyphosate Treatment Alters Transcript and Hormone Profiles in Crown Buds of Leafy Spurge and Induces Dwarfed and Bushy Phenotypes throughout its Perennial Lifecycle




Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula?L.) is an invasive weed of North America and its perennial nature attributed to underground adventitious buds (UABs) that undergo seasonal cycles of para-, endo-, and ecodormancy. Recommended rates of glyphosate (~1 kg ha–1) destroy aboveground shoots but plants still regenerate vegetatively; therefore, it is considered glyphosate-tolerant. However, foliar application of glyphosate at higher rates (2.2–6.7 kg ha–1) causes sublethal effects that induce UABs to produce stunted, bushy phenotypes. We investigated the effects of glyphosate treatment (±2.24 kg ha–1) on vegetative growth, phytohormone, and transcript profiles in UABs under controlled environments during one simulated seasonal cycle. Because shoots derived from UABs of foliar glyphosate-treated plants produced stunted, bushy phenotypes, we could not directly determine if these UABs transitioned through seasonally induced endo- and ecodormancy. However, transcript abundance for leafy spurge dormancy marker genes and principal component analyses suggested that UABs of foliar glyphosate-treated plants transitioned through endo- and ecodormancy. Glyphosate treatment increased shikimate abundance in UABs 7 d after treatment; however, the abundance of shikimate gradually decreased as UABs transitioned through endo- and ecodormancy. The dissipation of shikimate over time suggests that glyphosate’s target site was no longer affected, but these changes did not reverse the altered phenotypes observed from UABs of foliar glyphosate-treated leafy spurge. Transcript profiles further indicated that foliar glyphosate treatment significantly affected phytohormone biosynthesis and signaling, particularly auxin transport; gibberellic acid, abscisic acid and jasmonic acid biosynthesis; ethylene responses; and detoxification and cell cycle processes in UABs. These results correlated well with the available phytohormone profiles and altered phenotypes.
机译:绿叶大戟(Euphorbia esula?L。)是北美的一种入侵性杂草,其多年生特性归因于地下不定芽(UAB),它们会经历副休眠,内休眠和生态休眠的季节性循环。推荐的草甘膦量(〜1 kg ha-1)会破坏地上的枝条,但植物仍可营养再生。因此,它被认为是耐草甘膦的。但是,叶面施用草甘膦的比例较高(2.2–6.7 kg ha-1)会导致亚致死作用,诱导UAB产生发育迟缓的浓密表型。我们在一个模拟的季节性周期内研究了草甘膦处理(±2.24 kg ha-1)对UABs中营养生长,植物激素和转录本特征的影响。由于从叶面草甘膦处理过的植物的UAB衍生的芽产生发育迟缓的浓密表型,因此我们无法直接确定这些UAB是否通过季节性诱导的内休眠和生态休眠而过渡。但是,多叶植物休眠标记基因的转录本丰度和主成分分析表明,叶草甘膦处理过的植物的UAB通过内休眠和生态休眠过渡。草甘膦处理在处理后7天增加了UAB中sh草酸的丰度。但是,随着UAB通过内休眠和生态休眠过渡,of草酸的丰度逐渐降低。 iki草酸酯随时间的消散表明草甘膦的目标位点不再受到影响,但是这些变化并未逆转从叶草甘膦处理过的绿叶大叶藻的UAB中观察到的表型改变。转录物谱进一步表明,叶面草甘膦处理显着影响植物激素的生物合成和信号传导,特别是生长素的运输。赤霉素,脱落酸和茉莉酸的生物合成;乙烯反应;和UAB中的排毒和细胞周期过程。这些结果与可用的植物激素谱和改变的表型密切相关。



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