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Factors affecting student participation in extra-curricular activities: A comparison between two Middle Eastern dental schools




Objective This study was conducted to assess the level of participation of dental undergraduate students in extracurricular activities (ECAs) and the factors affecting this participation. Methods The study included dental students enrolled in undergraduate programs at the Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University, Egypt, and the College of Dentistry, University of Dammam, Saudi Arabia. A questionnaire was developed to collect background information about students, their participation in ECAs, and time allocated for these activities. Students were asked about their perceptions of the relationship between ECAs and academic studies, and their reasons for participating in and satisfaction with ECAs. Results The study included 199 students from Alexandria and 146 students from Dammam, with response rates of 99.5% and 73%, respectively. The percentages of those reporting ECA participation were 27.1% and 43.8%, respectively, mostly in community service, sports, and social activities. About 60% of students did not think that ECAs affected their studies, although the perceived difficulty of balancing ECAs and academics was associated with lower odds of participation (odds ratio = 0.51). Most students participated in ECAs to socialize and make friends, and the majority was dissatisfied with school-organized ECAs (52% and 59%, respectively). Gender and/or perceived relation between ECAs and academic studies affected actual participation in ECAs in one school but not the other. Conclusions ECA participation among these students was low. Gender and perception of ECAs in relation to academic studies affected ECA participation differently in the two schools. Better planning and management of ECAs that incorporate students’ preferences and reasons for participation is needed. Gender issues and the relationship between ECAs and academic performance should be addressed in relation to school and social characteristics.
机译:目的本研究旨在评估牙科学位学生参加课外活动(ECA)的水平以及影响该参与程度的因素。方法该研究包括在埃及亚历山大大学牙学院和沙特阿拉伯达曼大学牙学院攻读本科课程的牙科学生。编制了调查表,以收集有关学生,他们参加ECA的时间以及分配给这些活动的时间的背景信息。询问学生对ECA与学术研究之间关系的看法,以及参加ECA并对ECA满意的原因。结果研究包括来自亚历山大港的199名学生和来自达曼的146名学生,回应率分别为99.5%和73%。报告参加ECA的人的百分比分别是27.1%和43.8%,主要是在社区服务,体育和社交活动中。大约60%的学生认为ECA不会影响他们的学业,尽管平衡ECA和学者之间的困难被认为参与率较低(优势比= 0.51)。大多数学生参加了ECA进行社交和结识朋友,并且大多数人对学校组织的ECA不满意(分别为52%和59%)。 ECA与学术研究之间的性别和/或感知关系影响了一所学校而不是另一所学校实际参与ECA的程度。结论这些学生的ECA参与度较低。 ECA与学术研究相关的性别和观念对ECA在两所学校的参与产生了不同的影响。需要对ECA进行更好的计划和管理,以结合学生的喜好和参与的理由。性别问题以及非洲经委会与学业成绩之间的关系应根据学校和社会特点加以解决。



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