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Enduring Influence of Elizabethan Ophthalmic Texts of the 1580s: Bailey, Grassus, and Guillemeau




Three English ophthalmic texts of the 1580s were frequently republished: 1) Walter Bailey’s A Briefe Treatise Touching the Preseruation of the Eie Sight, 2) The Method of Phisicke, an adaptation of the medieval treatise of Benevenutus Grassus, and 3) A Worthy Treatise of the Eyes, a translation of Jacques Guillemeau’s treatise. Their history is intertwined through composite publications, some of which lacked clear attribution. At least 21 editions incorporated these texts. Although not previously realized, major elements of all 3 works are found in Two Treatises Concerning the Preseruation of Eie-sight, first published in 1616. To preserve eyesight, Bailey recommended eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis), fennel (F?niculum vulgare), and a moderate lifestyle incorporating wine. In the works of Grassus and Guillemeau, cataracts were believed to lie anterior to the ‘crystalline humor,’ and were treated by the ‘art of the needle,’ or couching. Links are found between Grassus, Guillemeau, and eighteenth century glaucoma concepts. Although one of his students has traditionally received credit, it was English oculist John Thomas Woolhouse who first combined the early concepts and used the term glaucoma to describe the palpably hard eye in the early eighteenth century. The three primary ophthalmic texts of 1580s England influenced ophthalmic thought for over a century.
机译:1580年代的三本英文眼科文献经常被重新出版:1)Walter Bailey的《触及Eie视线的简要简介》,2)Phisicke的方法,是Benevenutus Grassus的中世纪专着的改编版,3) 《眼睛》(The Eyes),雅克·古列默(Jacques Guillemeau)的论文译本。他们的历史与综合出版物交织在一起,其中有些缺乏明确的来源。这些文本至少有21个版本。尽管之前没有意识到,但所有这三部作品的主要内容都可以在1616年首次出版的《关于视力的预先处理的两个论着》中找到。为维护视力,贝利建议使用大米(Euphrasia officinalis),茴香(F?niculum vulgare)和适度的生活方式,结合葡萄酒。在Grassus和Guillemeau的作品中,白内障被认为位于“晶状体”的前面,并通过“针法”或卧榻进行治疗。在Grassus,Guillemeau和18世纪的青光眼概念之间发现了联系。尽管他的一位学生历来获得学分,但英国眼科医生约翰·托马斯·伍尔豪斯(John Thomas Woolhouse)首先结合了早期的概念,并用“青光眼”一词来形容18世纪初的明显眼睛。 1580年代英国的三本主要眼科文献影响了一个多世纪的眼科思想。



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