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Optic Neuritis, its Differential Diagnosis and Management




The aim of this review is to summarize the latest information about optic neuritis, its differential diagnosis and management. Optic Neuritis (ON) is defined as inflammation of the optic nerve, which is mostly idiopathic. However it can be associated with variable causes (demyelinating lesions, autoimmune disorders, infectious and inflammatory conditions). Out of these, multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common cause of demyelinating ON. ON occurs due to inflammatory processes which lead to activation of T-cells that can cross the blood brain barrier and cause hypersensitivity reaction to neuronal structures. For unknown reasons, ON mostly occurs in adult women and people who live in high latitude. The clinical diagnosis of ON consists of the classic triad of visual loss, periocular pain and dyschromatopsia which requires careful ophthalmic, neurologic and systemic examinations to distinguish between typical and atypical ON. ON in neuromyelitis optica (NMO) is initially misdiagnosed as ON in MS or other conditions such as Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy (AION) and Leber’s disease. Therefore, differential diagnosis is necessary to make a proper treatment plan. According to Optic Neuritis Treatment Trial (ONTT) the first line of treatment is intravenous methylprednisolone with faster recovery and less chance of recurrence of ON and conversion to MS. However oral prednisolone alone is contraindicated due to increased risk of a second episode. Controlled High-Risk Subjects Avonex? Multiple Sclerosis Prevention Study “CHAMPS”, Betaferon in Newly Emerging Multiple Sclerosis for Initial Treatment “BENEFIT” and Early Treatment of MS study “ETOMS” have reported that treatment with interferon β-1a,b results in reduced risk of MS and MRI characteristics of ON. Contrast sensitivity, color vision and visual field are the parameters which remain impaired mostly even after good recovery of visual acuity.
机译:这篇综述的目的是总结有关视神经炎,其鉴别诊断和治疗的最新信息。视神经炎(ON)定义为视神经发炎,主要是特发性的。但是,它可能与多种原因相关(脱髓鞘性病变,自身免疫性疾病,感染性和炎症性疾病)。其中,多发性硬化症(MS)是ON脱髓鞘的最常见原因。发生ON是由于炎症过程导致T细胞活化,该细胞可以穿过血脑屏障并引起对神经元结构的超敏反应。由于未知原因,ON大多发生在成年女性和高纬度地区的人们中。 ON的临床诊断包括经典的视力减退,眼周疼痛和色盲症三联征,这需要仔细的眼科,神经系统检查和全身检查来区分典型的和非典型的ON。视神经脊髓炎(NMO)中的ON最初被误诊为MS或其他情况,例如前部缺血性视神经病变(AION)和Leber病。因此,有必要进行鉴别诊断以制定适当的治疗计划。根据视神经炎治疗试验(ONTT),治疗的第一线是静脉注射甲基强的松龙,恢复速度更快,ON复发和转化为MS的机会更少。但是,单独口服泼尼松龙是禁忌的,因为增加了第二次发作的风险。受控高风险受试者Avonex?多发性硬化症预防研究“ CHAMPS”,新出现的多发性硬化症的Betaferon用于初始治疗“ BENEFIT”和MS的早期治疗研究“ ETOMS”已报告说,用干扰素β-1a,b治疗可降低MS的风险和MRI特征上。对比度灵敏度,色觉和视野是即使在视力恢复良好后仍会受损的参数。



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